Page 11 - Issue 57
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ELITE V V VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023
VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023
that we can trade. And just like
that, you are a commodity. Not
just in the professional world, but
also in social settings. Your value
in the social market is determined
just like that.
This concept is not new, we just
put a label on it. It’s a fact of life
that we have to accept. Our
identities are complex with positive
and negative attributes. They are masses. For example, if a certain
all different faces of your identity. tradition or moral (that isn’t
Depending on who you’re working harmful) is frowned upon or
with, you may choose to highlight considered bizarre by the rest of
some aspects and hide others that the world, the country might try
may seem less desirable in the and erase association with it if it
current setting. In principal, there’s means that it’ll gain more approval
nothing wrong with that. In fact, it on a global scale. Just like children
could be described as a form of who hide their “embarrassing”
social intelligence. Well, Noor, interests to fit in with the cool kids.
what’s wrong with that? At minimum, it could be
To answer this question, let’s considered simple adaptation, but
analyze this from a Macro lens. it can easily become erasure of
Countries brand themselves to identity.
become more appealing tourism To conclude, I decided to refrain
destinations or build a certain from using concrete examples or
image to boost their economy. For taking a scientific approach to this
powerful countries, that is certainly topic to keep it as simple as
not a problem as their reputation possible and invite the reader to
precedes them, but for developing think about some of the
and emerging nations that want to implications of this phenomena. At
establish a foothold in the global the end of a long, exhausting day
playing field, it most certainly is. full of interactions with different
Countries might let go of core people, who do you become when
values in order to appeal to the you take off these masks?