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ELITE                                              V V VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023
                                                                        VOL.1, Issue 57, Jul 2023OL.1, Issue 57, July2023

               For  example,  during  the  Brotherhood's      How  do  Egyptians  support  state  policy
               reign,  there  were  about  5  Egyptians       according to you? What roles do they play and
               occupying  high-ranking  positions  from       ultimately focus on supporting State policy?
               Kuwait.  I  am  not  only  talking  about  well-  We dedicate programs for this purpose. The
               known  scientists  but  also  the  other       first of which are awareness campaigns and
               occupations  in  the  Arab  countries.  It  is  a  it   is   done   annually,   through   200
               force  that  now  does  not  grow  for  many   ambassadors  or  heads  of  the  community
               reasons: like the Egyptians’ need to work for  where  we  invite  them  to  Egypt  and  take
               any  sum  of  money  due  to  the  encountered  them  on  trips  to  many  sights,  the  most
               economic difficulties. They have not become    important  of  which  is  to  visit  national
               the diplomacy and soft power that we hoped     projects, the administrative capital, the new
               for, because of the current economic struggle  cities...  etc.;  to  introduce  these  people  to
               ,  and  so,  the  strength  of  the  Egyptian  what's  going  on  in  Egypt  and  as
               influence  has  declined:  Because  in  normal  ambassadors,  we  count  on  them  to  share
               circumstances,  Egyptians  abroad  have  been  their  experience  with  the  rest  abroad;  and
               transferring $16 billion for many years, but   this is considered one of our most important
               in the current circumstances, we receive less  means  to  support  the  State.  There  are  also
               than what needs to be transferred, which is a  educational courses throughout the year, on
               few  millions  and  is  currently  counted  on  a  national  security,  the  state  and  other,  in
               monthly  basis  and  not  yearly,  because  now  addition to which we organize various trips
               there  is  a  parallel  market  and  the  banking  from  Europe  for  the  second  and  third
               sector  is  missing  the  dollars  that  are   generations  of  migrants,  the  younger
               supposed to be transferred every year.         generation,  to  teach  them  about  Egypt:
                                                              what’s the Nile, the pyramids, the symbols of
                   What  is  the  difference  between  the    Egypt  and  so  on.  Finally,  we  started  this
               Secretary-General  and  the  President  of  the  year's flights to the countries of diaspora, for
               Union?                                         those  who’re  permanent  migrants  in
               The difference between the President and the   America,  and  they  were  difficult  flights  to
               Secretary is determined by the regulation of   organize  but  with  the  cooperation  with  the
               the  supervising  administrative  body,  which  Union  in  America,  they  managed  to  get
               in our case is the Ministry of Solidarity. The  Egypt Air to help us and facilitate the flight
               regulation  stipulates  that  the  President  is  from Los Angeles to ensure that the largest
               more of an honorary position responsible for   number  of  participants  joined.  Not  to
               the entity in general, but it is the Secretary-  mention the awareness campaigns where we
               General  who  is  responsible  for  all        introduce them to the Egyptian State and its
               administrative  matters,  including  different  projects,  using  a  group  of  “scholars”
               activities;  and  so,  most  of  the  work  is  communicating  with  them  constantly  about
               handled     by    the    Secretary-General.    the state of the State and so on.
               Addressing an issue, we face: We as a union,
               a civil society, are responsible for Egyptians
               abroad  on  an  official  basis,  however,  there
               are  many  bodies  declaring  that  they  are
               responsible for Egyptians abroad but this is
               not  real.  I  now  call  for  these  roles  to  be
               penalized  for  their  adverse  impact  and
               problems, because we qualify our personnel
               unlike them.

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