Page 9 - Issue 50
P. 9

Behavioralism and

                                            Political Science

                                              Rana Ahmed-Political Science- Fourth Year-

         Political science is closely related to behavioral theory, and    And  the  question  that  occurs  after  the  discussion  of
        this connection results in several things, including a constant  this  paragraph:  does  this  mean  that  it  is  necessary  to
        attempt to reach the degree and status of Natural Sciences  completely  abandon  the  behavioral  theory  in  order  to
        and  remove  everything  that  prevents  us  from  doing  so,  in  solve this problem But if you do this, you will lose the
        order to reach that status, values are separated from facts. Is  ability to connect the phenomena and know the extent
        this a blessing or a curse.                             to which the variables affect each other, and therefore
                                                                we will lose the ability
        Being  too  involved  in  separating  values  from  facts  and  We  also  need  to  reach  generalizations  that  make  it
        completely  disposing  of  them  leads  to  reaching  a  state  of  easier  for  us  to  develop  general  laws  that  help  us
        nihilism, that is, the inability to sense and distinguish, and as  understand and simplify the events taking place in the
        soon as a person or researcher reaches this state, he becomes  world around us.
        isolated and does not interact with reality. he cannot explain
        or predict the phenomenon, but only describe it, and in some  So what is the way if it is dispensed with
        cases, it is difficult for the researcher to describe it as well.  I  find  it  difficult  and  even  impossible  to  completely
        this can be cited from the state of political science in Egypt  abandon the behavioral theory, but we can recognize the
        during the January revolution, no one foresaw the outbreak  importance of values and work on studying them in a
        of a revolution in the first place, and no one expected that  scientific way so that we can integrate them or at least
        this revolution would be with such overwhelming force that  recognize their existence without denying them
        it would be able to overthrow the regime, also, if we look at  And that's because I believe in the impossibility of the
        the term Arab Spring itself, we will find that it was launched  absence  of  values  from  people,  how  this  is  the  main
        from the West, and the Arabs did not even have a role In  engine  and  motivation  for  some  of  the  directions  we
        naming the phenomenon.                                  take, the choices we make, and the actions we do.
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