Page 8 - Issue 50
P. 8

It pitied him, and comforted him saying, "What a poor boy... you
                                                            became  an  orphan  at  a  young  age...  becoming  bound  to
                                                            responsibility without fully growing.”
                                                            He was touched by its speech and he listened to its advice... And
                                                            then asked it immediately: “But what did you want from Uncle
                                                            It  smiled:  "Uncle  Saleh  did  me  a  favor,  and  I  wanted  to  give
                                                            He  was  impressed:  “What  favor  does  a  fisherman  offer  to  his
                                                            Pointing at the sea, it said, "There, a shark attacked me, hit me
                                                            and almost killed me... And then I was carrying my kids in my
                                                            He looked at it, saying, "My father was so brave as to tackle a
                                                            predatory fish...”
                                                            She shook her head in agreement: “From this day, I am grateful
                                                            to him, and I want to pay him back...”
                                                            He replied: “No need, Goodbye. Nice to meet you and you can
                                                            go back to your kids.”
                                                            Anyways, it took something out of its mouth and said, "This is
                                                            what I was going to give to your father, and now its's yours.”
                                                            He looked at a white pearl shining in the sunlight, and said, "But
       He opened his eyes, looked at the window eager, he found the  I am taking a price for his favor”
       night fading away, and the dawn rising, and the birds chirping,  it interrupted him while heading to sea: “Don't they say do good
       so he got off, dusted himself off and got ready.     and throw it at sea. i.e. don’t wait for something in return?"
       By the sea, cannons were fired in celebration of Eid, mosques  He nodded his head in agreement.
       began to call for prayers, and people rushed towards it.  It  said  at  last:  “Well,  there  favors  that  are  payed  back  with
       He looked at his father's cupboard, thought to open it, found his  pearls, and others that get lost in sea.”
       blue  sea-colored  shirt,  wore  it  and  looked  in  the  mirror,
       remembering  that  his  father  was  wearing  it  while  going
       hunting...  Here  he  thought  to  take  fishing  gadgets  and  try,
       hoping to get fortunate.
       He went to the sea, the atmosphere was lovely, the waves were
       still, the wind was quiet, he raised his hands to the sky praying,
       threw his fishing rod, and it is only a moment, he feel its weight
       getting heavier while trying to lift it up, it did not work, so he
       tied the other end to a rock ... And here's a big fish.
       He immediately hooked it off, put it in a box next to him, until
       he  threw  back  the  beacon,  and  here  the  fish  shouted:  wait...  I
       threw myself in the crosshairs...
       He  wondered,  "Why?"  And  does  anyone  throw  themselves  to
       It said, "I saw you from afar. Thought you were Uncle Saleh”
       He wondered again: “What do you want from uncle Saleh?
       It re-approached the sea, and said, "it’s none of your business"
       He then replied: "Wait... Uncle Saleh is my father and this shirt I
       am wearing is his”...
       So, she looked at him, and said, "Yeah, you look like him...” and
       then wondered: "Where is he? I've been waiting for him for a
       while and he hasn't come”.
       He looked at her in sadness, with tears in his eyes, and said in an
       aching  voice:  he  had  died  about  a  year  ago,  then  my  mother
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