Page 13 - Issue 50
P. 13

Star Light, Star Bright

               Salma El Bukhari, Second Year, Political Science,

        Star light, star bright, that's my star I see here    What  should  I  wish  for  this  year?  Fame?
        tonight. I wait for that star on the eve of           Love? Money? I've got it all. It's just peace of

        November the 3rd...                                   mind is what I wish for the most this year, so
                                                              that I might stop overthinking. That buzzing
        A shooting star carrying all my hopes and             in my mind, I wish it'd just stop. I want the

        dreams, renewing my love for life and giving          darkness  to  go  away,  or  is  that  more  than  a
        me passion. I’ve been through it all, loss and        shooting  star  could  do?  They  have  nothing

        hurt. You’re free in the sky, yet I’m still here      else  to  take  away  from  me.  Star  light,  star
        waiting. Star light, star bright you carry my         bright,  I  really  wish,  I'd  stop  overthinking

        name, don’t fail me tonight.                          tonight.

                                                              Can it lower my expectations, as well? I want
                                                              to stop expecting things that can't happen and
                                                              is out of my hands. But I have to, if I must

                                                              survive.  Are  you  still  burning  for  me?  Star
                                                              light,  star  bright,  I  need  to  lower  my

                                                              expectations tonight.
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