Page 18 - Issue 50
P. 18

To be or not to be

                          Aya Alaa Helmy - 2nd level -English department

        "To be or not to be that is the problem" that sentence  From  one  of  the  sayings  of    Aristotle,  the
        that Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" is famous for. Often  Greekphilosopher, "It is not so much important to look for
        if you hear that sentence for the first time you will not  yourself  as  to  build  yourself",  in  fact  I  may
        understand what it means and even if you are someone  contradictAristotle's  statement  on  some  points.  He  thus
        who loves world literature and read the play and try to  reduced  the  value  of  self-searching,  knowing  that  the
        understand its purpose from the context of events in  desired  goal,  which  he  preferred  to  search  for  the  self,
        most cases, you will find that the meaning is so deep  “which is to build it”, will only be achieved by looking for
        that you will ask how a  person can be none other than  yourself first so, that you can build it. Given that how can
        himself and how this can be a dilemma And you will  you  build  a  building  when  you  do  not  know  what  it  is?
        think  who said thatwent crazy. The abstract thinking   Searching for oneself is nothing but the journey of your
        in that sentence is really a bit stressful, but with the  life and its story of how you spent your life searching for
        passage of successive events and daily challenges, it is  yourself  and  your  passion,  and  during  that  journey,
        possible  to  realize  what  it  means  to  be  or  not  to  be  intentionally  and  unintentionally,  you  build  yourself  with
        yourself, this is the biggest problem in this time and in  your successful and beating experiences. Some people may
        all times, and this is the dilemma of every one of us in  spend  their  lives  thinking  that  they  have  not  found
        that life, no matter how big or small, and the  question  themselves,  or  some  may  be  synonymous  with  passion
        remains that he has to solve his dilemma by himself,  even  though  they  are  not  the  same  thing,  you  may  feel
        whether it is in his hands to be  himself or not to be.  sorry for them and they themselves feel that sometimes and
                                                           you feel that they are poor Although they are much better
                                                           than those who did not try at all to look for them and spent
                                                           their  lives  as  wanderers  on  their  face,  smacked  by
                                                           circumstances  and  life  where  they  want,  and  they  are
                                                           deprived  of  will,  defeated  and  cannot  resist  the  simplest
                                                           obstacles of life.
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