Page 4 - Issue 50
P. 4

several  diseases,  and  this  matter  made  me  upset  and opportunities available to Egypt in the context of this
        frustrated  at  first,  especially  since  my  first  diplomatic  job situation. He said:
        was  in  the  British  capital,  but  Dr.  Boutros-Ghali  put  his

        hands on the fact that India is more important than European The  international  situation  is  becoming  more
        countries and nominated skilled cadres for it. So I accepted complicated,  and  the  United  States  is  playing  a
        the job. I discovered that the experience in India was very  dangerous role, which is to motivate European countries
        useful and added a lot to me in the field of diplomatic work,  against Russia, that led to the outbreak of the Russian-
        so I am very grateful to Dr. Boutros-Ghali for providing this  Ukrainian  war.  Its  goal  is  to  exhaust  Russia  without
        experience at the level of humanitarian dealings as well, as  Washington directly intervening, and although it was the
        he constantly checked on me and visited me every year.  main  driver  of  the  Europeans  against  Russia  in  this

                                                                crisis,  it  does  not  intervene  to  help  them  in  energy
        ·  On  the  occasion  of  opening  the  door  of  memories,  we crises, for example. The United States is not interested
        asked Dr. Mostafa about his memories of the faculty, and in Europe as it did in the past but is now focusing more
        we know that he had a close relationship with the faculty on the world's powers, the foremost of which is China,
        and its important activities over many years, and he said:  which represents its largest economic competitor, and is
                                                                currently almost back to Monroe's principle of isolation
        The Faculty of Economics and Political Science is my first (proclaimed  by  US  President  James  Monroe  in  1823,
        home  where  I  grew  up  at  the  hands  of  distinguished which  guarantees  the  independence  of  all  countries  of
        professors,  most  notably  Dr.  Rifaat  Al-Mahjoub,  Dr. the Western Hemisphere against European interference).
        Abdulmalek  Odeh,  and  Dr.  Ali  Al-Din  Hilal.  I  am  very I  think  that  the  war  will  continue  for  several  more
        happy  with  the  development  witnessed  by  this  prestigious months and then end with negotiations, but after Russia
        college in terms of buildings, expansions, and lecture halls is  greatly  exhausted  militarily.  It  is  noteworthy  that
        after there were previously only two auditoriums within the during the Ukrainian war, talk began for the first time in
        Faculty of Law.                                         the  world  about  the  possibility  of  resorting  to  nuclear
                                                                weapons and threatening to use them in Russia, and this
        · As we are hosting a high-class politician, we had to ask is  very  dangerous  as  it  indicates  that  the  world  has
        Dr.  Mostafa  El  Feki  about  his  analysis  of  the  current become less safe.
        international situation, the challenges, and
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