Page 8 - Issue-En-44
P. 8
Issue 44
June 2022
planning on creating developmental The problem of illegal building on
projects in healthcare and education is the agricultural lands, for example, reflects the
percentage of the general budget allocated waste of public resources.
to servicing debts. How can this challenge
be dealt with without disrupting Question: Finally, to whom is Dr. Samir
development plans? Radwan most grateful?
If we look at the general budget, we’ll find First of all, I’m grateful to a character that
that debt servicing this year constitutes had a major influence on my life, and that
32% or one-third of the budget, which was is my mother. She had an insurmountable
exacerbated because officials considered it amount of love and discipline. She and my
easy to rely on. There are funds in the older sister had a significant role in my
global market that remain unutilized, and a life; they are the reason for my respect for
percentage of those funds are in the Gulf women. I’m also grateful to my dad, who
region. Egypt can attract these funds if it appreciated and prioritized education for
overcomes investment problems and always guiding me.
becomes an attractive environment for At the college level, first, I’m grateful to
investment, and this is much better than Zaki Shafei, the Dean, Professor Wahyb
being in debt. If you don’t produce, you’ll Mseeha, Dr. Saeed Alnaggar, Dr. Abdul
have to turn to loans and debts, so we must Malik Odah, political science professor;
manage our resources efficiently to solve Dr. Boutros Ghaly, Dr. Khairy Issa, Dr.
the problem of low productivity. The issue Nadia Makary, Dr. Salyb Rafael, statistics
here is that public resources in Egypt are professor; and Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud
not codified, which leads to them being Elemam, Planning professor. I’m very
wasted. grateful to all of them.