Page 4 - Issue-En-44
P. 4


        Issue 44

      June  2022             important issues and send our messages to
                             professors  in  a  comical  yet  constructive,
                             respectful way.

                             Question: How was your relationship with
                             the professors, and who impacted your life
                             the most?
                             It was excellent! Zaki Shafei, the dean, put
                             a  lot  of  effort  into  choosing  professors
                             from different backgrounds and intellectual
                             and  social  orientations.  Dr.  Khairy  Eissa,
                             for example, came from a well-off family
                             and  would  invite  us  to  dinner  at  Elsaid
                             sporting  club.  The  dean  did  a  great  job
                             setting  the  tone  in  the  Faculty  whenever
                             students or professors would show signs of
                             deviation.  For  example,  a  few  Jordanian
                             students  of  Palestinian  origin  tried    Ethiopia for six weeks, and I gained a lot
                             organizing  a  clandestine  political  cell  from  that  experience.  My  life  before  and
                             within  the  Faculty,  but  the  dean  quickly  after that trip was different, as I had honed
                             stepped  in  and  wisely  dealt  with  that  my skills.

                             situation.  During  that  time,  one  of  the
                             professors  made  a  statement  that  could  Question:  Your  tenure  at  the  ministry  of
                             have  led  to  the  faculty  closing  down;  he  finance  is  considered  an  important
                             spoke  about  the  five-year  development   milestone  in  your  biography,  given  the
                             plan under Abdel Nasser’s presidency and    exceptional circumstances at the time after
                             about  Ahmed  Abbud  Pasha,  one  of  the   president  Mubarak  stepped  down  and
                             most  prominent  businessmen  during  the   during  Dr.  Essam  Sharaf’s  government.
                             monarchy whose assets were nationalized.    Tell  us  about  that  period’s  circumstances
                             The professor had stated that Aboud Pasha   and the challenges that you faced.
                             was better than ten five-year plans. These  Indeed, that was a very challenging time. I
                             statements    eventually   reached    the   was  the  managing  director  of  the
                             Presidency of the Republic, and the matter  Economic  Research  Forum  in  the  Middle
                             was embarrassing and put him in trouble as  East,  Iran,  and  Turkey  after  returning  to
                             Nasser had decided to establish the Faculty  Egypt  from  the  International  Labor
                             because  he  wanted  an  Egyptian  view  on  Organization in Geneva. I had no plans of

                             economics  and  politics.  Therefore,  the  pursuing  any  official  position  in  the
                             professor’s statement was dangerous at the  government.    With    the   January   25
                             time,  especially  since  Nasser’s  five-year  revolution, I was at home when I got the
                             plan  is  now  considered  by  nationals  and  call from the presidency, which I couldn’t
                             foreigners to be one of the most successful  quite  register  at  the  time,  and  they  had
            3                five-year plans to date. I was lucky to be  asked  me  to  become  the  minister  of
                             on good terms with the dean. I had traveled  finance. I was the last to take the oath of
                             with him representing Cairo University, to  office,  given  the  circumstances  of  the
                             study  economics  at  the  hands  of        streets.  The  prime  minister  was  senior
                             international experts. We traveled to       commander Ahmed Shafik, the first prime
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