Page 3 - Issue-En-44
P. 3


        Issue 44

      June  2022

                               Interview with Former Minister of Finance, Dr. Samir Radwan for ELITE
                                 : "Egypt’s future is in industrialization and

                               drawing up clear, stable industrial policies."

                              Interview Team: Dr. Ramy Ahmed, Noor Khaled, Nermine Nasser
                              Dialogue Editor: Dr. Nermine Tawfik

                             Dr.  Samir  Radwan  is  one  of  the  most  so that’s what I did. I fulfilled one of my
                             prominent  names  who  served  as  Minister  dreams  and  enrolled  in  the  Economics
                             of Finance in Egypt during a critical period  section.

                             of its history – after the revolution of the
                             25th  of  January.  Combining  academics    Question: How was your life as a student at
                             with  actual  application  in  the  fields  of  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political
                             work and employment, he had a prominent     Science,  and  what  were  some  of  your
                             role in supporting development projects in  activities there?
                             67 countries across the globe. This month,  The Faculty, thanks to Dr. Zaki Shafei, the
                             we’ve  had  the  pleasure  of  holding  the  dean,  and  the  staff  of  distinguished
                             following discussion with him.              professors,  was  like  a  second  home.  The
                                                                         student body was quite small at the time, so
                             Question: How did your relationship with    we  all  knew  each  other.  As  for  the
                             the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  relationship  between  the  female  and  male
                             Science start, and why did you pursue your  students,  it  was  healthy  and  based  on
                             studies there?                              respect.  The  female  students  dressed
                             At  first,  I  wanted  to  join  the  diplomatic  fashionably and modestly. We’d all go on

                             corps, and back then, there was no separate  trips   together   under   the   Faculty’s
                             faculty for economics and political science.  supervision.  There  was  also  healthy
                             Instead, it was a section in the Faculty of  competition  between  the  students  across
                             Commerce;  hence,  I  was  enrolled  in  the  different fields that aimed to fuel hard work
            2                Faculty of Commerce at Cairo University.    and  excellence.  We  used  to  have  a  wall
                             After  my  first  year  there,  the  Faculty  of  newspaper  titled  “Nails,”  edited  by  a
                             Economics  and  Political  science  was     colleague  called  Ahmed  Abdel  Moneim
                             established, and students of the Faculty of  (who later joined the presidency). Through
                             Commerce were allowed to transfer there,    this newspaper, we would shed light on
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