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        Issue 44

      June  2022            management  of  new  cities,  women's        and received commentaries from Prof. Dr.
                            representation  in  Egyptian  local  councils  Amira  Tawadros  and  Dr.  Salwa  Tabbala.
                            and  the  educational  empowerment  of       As  for  the  second  session,  which  was
                            Egyptian university students. This session   chaired by Prof. Alia Al-Mahdi - Emeritus
                            was chaired by                               Professor of Economics and former Dean
                            Prof.  Dr.  Saleh  Al-Sheikh  -  Head  of  the  of the Faculty of Economics and Political
                            Central  Agency  for  Organization  and      Sciences  -  it  focused  on  the  role  of
                            Administration - and Dr. Ayman Mukhtar       conscious  citizenship  in  sustainable
                            commented  on  it.  As  for  the  round  table  development  through  previous  research
                            for the second day, it was under the title   papers  by  speakers  Prof.  Dr.  Ahmed
                            "The  Global  Economic  Crisis  and  Its     Abdel Hafez and Prof. Dr. Amal Hassan.

                            Effects on the Egyptian State", in which:    Both  Prof.  Sami  Al-Sayed  -  Head  of  the
                            Prof.  Dr.  Mahmoud  Al-Saeed,  Prof.        Department  of  Economics  and  Prof.
                            Gouda Abdel-Khalek, Emeritus Professor       Amani  Masoud  -  Professor  of  Political
                            of  Economics,  and  former  Minister  of    Sciences  -  Cairo  University-  provided
                            Social Solidarity, Prof. Dr. Fakhri El-Feki  commentary  for  that  session.  Finally,  the
                            -  Head  of  the  Planning  and  Budget      last  round  table  of  the  conference
                            Committee      in    the     House     of    discussed one of the most pressing issues,
                            Representatives, Prof. Hussain Abdel Aziz    namely  climate  change  and  sustainable
                            -  Emeritus  Professor  in  the  Statistics  development,  with  the  participation  of
                            Department at the College, and Mr. Hani      Prof.  Mahmoud  Al-Saeed,  Prof.  Dr.
                            Tawfiq - Former President of the Egyptian    Yasmine  Fouad,  Prof.  Dr.  Mahmoud
                            and  Arab  Associations  for  Direct         Mohieldin and Dr. Yasser Sharif.
                            Investment-  all  participated  in  discussing  This  year's  conference  witnessed  10
                            its topic.                                   sessions and round tables, each of which

                            The  third  and  last  day  of  the  conference  took  exhibited  vital  problems  and  issued
                            started  with  a  session  on  institutional  recommendations      that    can     be
                            development and digital transformation in    implemented. All the attendees, including
                            the  new  state  under  the  chairmanship  of  students,  professors  and  public  figures,
                            Prof. Dr. Muhammad Darwish - Head of         praised  the  resounding  success  of  the
                            the  Department  of  Public  Administration  conference.  Once  again,  the  faculty  was
                            at  FEPS.  That  session  included  the      able to organize a great conference to the
                            speakers,  Prof.  Khaled  Barakat,  Prof.    fullest,  and  as  always,  it  took  over  the
                            Mohamed Elaraby and Dr. Iman Al Jazzar       throne of distinction.

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