Page 10 - Issue-En-44
P. 10
Issue 44
June 2022
crying, and she was confused, She couldn’t come back, She heard the speaker talk about Einstein’s theory of
and it was impossible to cross the street, would she still relativity, and she wrote a lot of equations on the painting
be on the sidewalk? hanging on the wall behind him, and she continued to
Here she had the idea of getting into one of the shoes, explain it: Einstein’s time and space is relative, as opposed
moving with him to the place where he goes, and indeed to Newton, who assumed they were divorced.
she was standing on the edge of the shoe dazzled by The speed of light is the only absolute in the universe. And
people, streets, shops, cars and. to make it clearer for his students, he brought a ruler of 50
The shoe owner continued to move until he entered a centimeters, and put it so that it touched the floor of the
spacious place from a wide door, I read a big sign that is room and was perpendicular to the wall. and he made a
the university... I found him moving between the strong light shine there, a little away from the ruler of the
buildings, until he got to one of them, who had a sign wall And whenever the length of the shadow is measured by
from the Faculty of Science, Department of Physics. another ruler, so that its pupils prove that the length of the
And that’s the quickest step until she almost fell, so she shadow is different from the length of the actual ruler less
hurried down to the inside of the shoe, and when she the ruler is removed from the wall, increases as it
stopped walking, she went to the edge of the shoe again, approaches, and is equal when the ruler sticks to the wall.
to find out that she was inside the elevator, and looking Meanwhile, the ant had come down from the top of the seat
at the license plate, she knew that the person with the to the wall beside the door, as she was throwing the report,
shoe meant the last turn, she felt dizzy when the elevator highlighting it, nailing the ant in its place, holding the report
was moving, and she hooked up so well that the elevator and placing it on the counter in front of him, and turning to
stopped, and the person went down a long line, his students: Look at this ant a few millimeters long, she put
apparently in the direction of one of the rooms on the a concave lens on it, and she said, It now looks like a giant
left. monster, and then she put a convex lens, and she said, And
While on the right there is the fence of the building, and now you can barely see with the naked eye.
here she took a search of her own. Will she stay with the The lecture ended, the students went out, and when the ant
shoe owner on her way wherever he goes? Or will you went out, she found a large number of students also coming
be satisfied with the distance you travelled with him? out of the nearby rooms, falling into her hand, beating her
She decided to jump to the ground, then she climbed the heart, remembering her father’s words.
wall. What a beauty you saw! She did not believe Our feet were broken," I tried to get close to the wall, and I
herself, for the first time looking at the things of this had to land on the stairs like them, and I found a large
tower. Here is the sun in the liver of the sky, the burrow in which I tried to deal with the jamming students,
uniqueness of her golden dress in horses, illuminating but the guards of the burrowing ants looked at it, and they
the universe with light, said, "Who are you?" Where did you come from? She said I
And she looked down and she found wide streets, tall was from the public park, could you please welcome me
buildings, overcrowded buses, until I got an order, they refused and someone said, "We
She took a look. This is the public park that she lived in. don’t welcome strangers," and another said, "You seem to
And this is the tree that lived between her roots. She be fleeing from a crime you committed, you tried to make it
smiled to fulfill some wishes, started singing some clear, and she was dear to her people, she left them with her
songs, and said, My parents are here with me, and she desire, but she failed to discourage the guards from refusing
burned her arms like the hero of the movie Titanic, and to receive her.
she breathed fresh air. This was repeated in several burrows and his attempts to
Suddenly, a breath of air drove her. She tried to hang on. remain temporarily in one failed.
It didn’t work. She screamed. No one heard her. Meanwhile, she was hungry, and she was walking where
She found herself flying, closing her eyes, remembering the food smelled, I found a cafeteria where the food is sold
her father saying, "The wind can remind us." She burst in bags, and when a person is done with the food, seal the
into tears, and she didn’t turn around, unless she fell into bag firmly on the leftovers, receive the bags in smooth
a deep abyss, Her legs hurt so hard, I looked around, the baskets that are hard to climb, she looked angry, her
place is dark, but there’s a faint light coming from stomach hurt by the intensity of hunger, and she took
9 above, And I felt like this place was moving slowly, until damage to the corners of the cafeteria.
Night fell on her, she couldn’t find a place to live, she felt
he moved in, and I looked scary. And her prey bounced,
but she gathered her strength, and tried to climb up to the cold atmosphere, she remembered the winter, she was
reach the light, so I found a purse, makeup tools, a comb, homeless and not prepared to store food for the winter, she
I knew it was falling into a girl’s purse. Apparently, she remembered her parents, of his people, of his house, and his
was standing by the fence, and the carrier walked her tears broke down.
bag until she settled in and sat down.
The ant persisted until she could get out of the bag, and
found herself in a conference room.