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ELITE                    Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
                                         Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022

      Certainly,  volunteer  work  in  Egypt,  as  in  the  Arab  world,  Everyone  undoubtedly  knows  about  the  President's  call  to
      faces  several  challenges  related  to  the  culture  of  volunteer  make 2022 the year of civil society. Now that a third of this
      work  and  the  political  structure  of  those  societies.  Tell  us  year has passed, how do you assess the feasibility and gains of
      about  your  actual  experience  with  those  challenges.  What  civil  society  from  the  government's  implementation  of  this
      opportunities have become available to strengthen interest in  new orientation?
      volunteer work?
                                                              Dr.  Amani  Kandil  said  that  this  matter  requires  more  attention
      Dr.  Amani  sees  saw  that  the  culture  of  volunteer  work  is  and  efforts  from  organizations  and  institutions  to  seize  such  a
      regressing significantly. Successive field studies over the span of  great opportunity. She praises the renewal of that call during the
      the  past  ten  years  have  proven  that  one  of  the  most  important  “Egyptian  Family  Iftar”  ceremony  as  well  as  the  call  of  all
      problems of volunteering is the apathy causing people to refrain  community forums to a national dialogue, which was attended by
      from  volunteering  due  to  their  exposure  to  economic  pressure,  several  civil  society  figures,  indicating  that  it  will  have  an
      the  lack  of  time  for  many,  and  the  confusion  of  concepts  and  effective and audible role in the new republic. In addition to its
      values, etc... That is in addition to the tension in the relationship  involvement  in  some  issues,  such  as  the  activation  of  the
      between the state and voluntary organizations, but we are now on  "Presidential Pardon Committee".
      the  verge  of  an  environment  not  only  conducive  to  the  re-
      planting  of  civil  society,  but  also  welcoming  of  political  Finally, what do you advise researchers on civil society issues
      discourse, and an enacted law.                          in Egypt?
      On  the  other  side,  we  find  that  we  are  still  in  the  midst  of  a
      dreary  cultural  and  social  environment  that  does  not  embrace  Dr. Amani Kandil advised and urged more hard work and more
      volunteerism  and  discourages  it.  This  is  one  of  the  outputs  of  contact with the land and people! Just as a chemist belongs in his
      studies and field research, so we can be certain by saying that our  lab, a researcher in civil society issues belongs on the street. A
      problem is a cultural and not a material one.           researcher cannot study this society from their desk.
      Our  guest  proceeded,  to  communicate  that  there  were  several  And now, after this long prosperous journey, on which our guest
      excellent  volunteer  teams  and  promising  organizations  in  took us, the author of twenty-seven works, of which no less than
      Lebanon, but unfortunately, they have retreated and disappeared  fourteen  are  related  to  civil  work.  Without  her  tremendous
      amidst  the  current  situation,  especially  in  the  last  five  years.  efforts, that work would have been entirely different from what it
      Similar ones also existed in Morocco but retreated for the same  is now.
      reasons.  However,  we  conclude  that  volunteering  differs  from
      one country to another. An example of this is that the Emirates  -If, like us, you are interested in reading the works of our dear
      enjoys  strong  resources,  and  its  sheiks  and  princesses  finance  doctor,  make  sure  to  check  her  website  which  contains  works
      civil  institutions  and  attract  and  embrace  professionals  in  such  from 2010 to 2022. The books there can be downloaded directly
      work.  In  any  case,  we  can  only  say  that  the  culture  of  without  restrictions;  you  can  access  them  through  this  link:
      volunteering suffers from a critical crisis. The family has almost
      erased it from its educational dictionary! That is why Dr. Amani  Finally, we can only applaud warmly and extend our thanks and
      included in her book, which she is currently working on, some  gratitude  to  our  dear  guest,  and  sincerely  pray  for  further
      concepts related to the culture of volunteering and refuting the  progress, excellence, and advancements.
      incorrect ones.

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