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ELITE                    Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
                                         Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022

      ELITE   at  NCHR’s    Seminar With Mr. Eamon Gilmore

                                    Hania Bahaa,- Reem Omran, - Zeina Marie
                                            Level 3 -Major  Economicas
      FEPS  has  always  been  keen  to  provide  its  students  with  Dr.  Mosheera  also  emphasized  that  there’s  no  such
      unique  experiences,  and  so,  under  the  supervision  of  Dr.  thing  as  “impossible”  and  that  miracles  do  in  fact
      Hanan  Hassan,  Vice  Dean  for  Education  &  Students'  exist, just like the ones she had witnessed in her field;
      Affairs for Education & Students' Affairs, a group of FEPS  A couple of years ago, it would’ve been “impossible”
      students and Elite’s editor were given the chance to attend  to  reach  where  we  are  in  terms  of  human  rights
      a seminar at the National Human Rights Council of Egypt,  improvements and achievements.
      that  took  place  on  the  13th  of  April.  The  visit  was  The  floor  was  given  to  Mr.  Eamon,  who  expressed
      organized  by  Dr.  Nevine  Mosaad,  who  besides  being  an  how  happy  he  was  to  be  in  Egypt  and  hold  this
      esteemed  Political  Science  professor  at  FEPS,  is  also  the  seminar, and his speech went on to be extensive and
      president of the cultural committee in the council.
      The  seminar  was  titled  “The  Human  Rights  in  the  21st  extremely  informative.  Mr.  Eamon  first  started
      century  from  a  European  Perspective”,  and  it  was  articulating  how  necessary  human  rights  are,  by
      highlighted  by  the  presence  of  the  guest  speaker  Mr.  describing them as part of the DNA of the European
      Eamon  Gilmore,  who  serves  as  the  European  Union’s  Union; Despite that, implementing them is by far one
      special  representative  for  human  rights.  The  discussion  of the greatest challenges there is. He highlighted his
      panel also included Dr. Mosheera Khattab, the president of  mission  in  The  European  Union  as  working  on
      the NCHR, H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Karem, vice president of     promoting human rights in every country in the world.
      NCHR, and Ambassador Christian Berger, the head of the  Moreover, Mr. Gilmore also thoroughly presented the
      EU’s Delegation to Egypt.                               5 main pillars of work in his area, and they were as
      First off, Dr. Mosheera gave the opening speech, where she  follows:
      welcomed Mr. Eamon Gilmore, Ambassador Christian, and   1. Protecting and empowering people
      all  the  esteemed  attendees,  before  headlining  how  2. Building democratic resilience
      important cooperation, between the EU and Egypt, is. She  3.  Support  and  defend  humanitarian  institutions,  like
      then proceeded to stress the importance of human rights in  the UN
      the  Egyptian  agenda,  and  highlight  the  astonishing  4.  Developing  and  implementing  new  human  rights
      accomplishments   in   the   field,   which   included;  agenda  that  puts  areas  like  the  private  sector,
      Criminalizing   Female   Genital   Mutation,   sexual   technological   advancements,    and   laws    into
      harassment,  and  most  recently  under  the  authorization  of  consideration
      the  President  Abdelfattah  El  Sisi,  criminalizing  child
      marriage                                                5. Working in partnership
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