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ELITE                    Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
                                         Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022

       a  radical  change  in  Western  public  opinion  towards
       Israel,  reinforcing  its  isolation,  It  strengthens  the
       pressure  of  people  on  their  Governments  to  hold
       Israel accountable and to impose sanctions against it
       in  solidarity  with  the  struggle  of  the  Palestinian
       people, The provincial movement has thus become a
       powerful tool for ending Western official support,
       The Movement was able to leave a clear mark in its
       response  to  Israeli  aggression,  and  their  multiple  Other  companies  have  announced  that  steps  have
       successes and achievements towards the goal, There    been  taken  to  stop  their  involvement  in  Israel's
       was  solidarity  from  different  States  with  the   crimes.  International  investors  withdrew  their
       Movement,  Foreign  direct  investment  in  Israel  was  investment in support of Israel, Some artists have also
       reduced by 47% in 2014. See the withdrawal of major   refused to hold art concerts in Israeli cities "Broklen
       companies such as Violia, Orange, and CRH from the    Kota"  canceled  a  show  in  Tel  Aviv.  An  Emmy
       Israeli economy all together. American company Ben    Award-winning  actor  also  rejected  an  offer  with
       & Jerry's also announced that it would not renew its  "Netflix"  in  support  of  the  boycott  movement.  The
                                Name, Level,  Major
       contract  with  Israeli  companies,  and  Canadian    solidarity  of  many  athletes  with  the  Palestinian

       company  Bombardier,  French  company  Alstom,        people  and  the  shaking  of  stadiums  around  the
       Siemens,  Australian  Macquarie,  and  a  Greek       world... " Let's interrupt Puma". It has also adopted
       consortium  withdrew  from  an  illegal  Israeli  railway  academic institutions and student federations around
       expansion project.
                                                             the world for the Israeli boycott movement. The BDS
                                                             movement is thus the number one and most important
                                                             nail in the Zionist entity's coffin. It plays an important
                                                             role in influencing public opinion on the question of
                                                             Palestine.  BDS  is  supported  by  many  federations,
                                                             trade   unions,    organizations,   and   grassroots
                                                             movements in the world, there are also global figures
                                                             supporting  the  movement,  such  as  the  former
                                                             Archbishop  of  South  Africa"  Desmond  Tutu",  the
                                                             fighter  and  academic  "Angela  Davis",  the  author"
                                                              Naomi Klein",  the philosopher "Judith Buttle",  the
       Other  companies  have  announced  that  steps  have  astrophysicist  "Stephen  Hawking",  The  Adventist
       been  taken  to  stop  their  involvement  in  Israel's  "Ahdaf  Suave",  and  "Poet"    Marid  Al  Barghouti",
       crimes.  International  investors  withdrew  their    artists " Marcel Khalifa ", " Amma Hebron", "Roger
       investment in support of Israel, Some artists have also  Waters"  and"  BRIAN  ENO",  All  those  and  others
       refused to hold art concerts in Israeli cities "Broklen  with  living  conscience  supported  the  boycott
       Kota"  canceled  a  show  in  Tel  Aviv.  An  Emmy    movement.
       Award-winning  actor  also  rejected  an  offer  with  We must only step up our struggle for the rights of
       "Netflix"  in  support  of  the  boycott  movement.  The  the Palestinian people and play a role in assisting and
       solidarity  of  many  athletes  with  the  Palestinian  supporting  such  movements,  boycotting  all  Israeli
       people  and  the  shaking  of  stadiums  around  the  support  companies  To  stop  the  suffering  of  the
       world... " Let's interrupt Puma". It has also adopted  Palestinian  people  and  put  an  end  to  the  violations

       academic institutions and student federations around  suffered  by  Palestinians  living  under  Israeli
       the world for the Israeli boycott movement.           occupation...

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