Page 19 - Issue-En-42
P. 19
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
Mostafa Maher , L2, ECONOMICS
But now let’s see Ukraine from another perspective, one in
Today we are going to talk about a sensitive and highly
controversial topic: the Russo-Ukrainian war. But before we which it is a region or more specifically part of russia.
delve deeper into the topic we must first visit the historical roots Well first of all, throughout the better part of the 20th
of the subject. During the 9th century we see that a mix between century, Ukraine along with many other countries didn’t
exist on the map it was a part if russia or as it was known
nomadic, slavs and nordic tribes come together to found Kievan the soviet union, we see that russia posses far more
Rus which would come to be known as Ukraine in our modern resources and wealth than Ukraine so does this mean that
days. Why does the word rus sound familiar you might ask? it would better if Ukraine was part of Russia? Well again
Well because it became the big old rusia we all know today, so the answer isn’t that simple… from a political point of
yes, the origins of russia are rooted in Ukraine which makes for view this is completely and utterly unacceptable, but from
an interesting argument that we will see later on. Centuries later an utilitarian point of view it could gain some benefit
in 1921, and Ukraine got its independence which makes things a which leads us to our next point which you have probably
bit more resemblance of today’s geographie. Nonetheless, their been waiting for: the Russo-Ukrainian war.
independence wasn’t long lived as in 1922, they were annexed
into the soviet union only getting their liberty in 1991 with the
collapse of the soviet union. But that wasn’t long since the
annexation of Crimea and the war in 2022 have shown us. So
now the long awaited question: is Ukraine a region or a
country? Sadly the answer isn’t that simple at all as to be yes or
no. Nonetheless we are going to try to take it from these two
perspectives and leave you to decide. It all started on the 20th February 2014 with the russian
annexation of crimea which was would be later regarded
One of the first arguments that we are going to tackle is that as just the beginning of the integration of Ukraine into
Russia's origin was Ukraine so if anything Ukraine is the Russia. Almost a decade later on the 24th February 2022 a
country and Russian is but an extension of regions. Since the fall full invasion was struck upon Ukraine with the full might
of the soviet union, Ukraine has been an independent country of the Russian army. But why is this happening, by who
with its set of legislative and judicial laws, in addition to that it and what does it mean? Well it is happening because there
has had its own executive branch. Even after the fall of the was a threat to Russia when Ukraine was about to enter
soviet union, Ukraine didn’t want to be a part of russia it even into the European Union where foreign powers would be
exchanged the nuclears warheads it had for a fake promise of able to plant their weapons at the borders of Russia hence
not attacking or infringing upon their territory wich we all Putin(which for him Ukraine is part of Russia) invaded
know how that went Ukraine to create a buffer zone which means that the war
will keep on going until Ukraine is seized.