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ELITE                    Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
                                         Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022

                                     From Authoritarianism to Democracy


                                                                      Mariam Elsafty, Sophomore, political science
        It is the year of 3100, when the Earth was unfortunately Luckily,  they  are  just  five,  so  agreements  with
       destroyed by a huge asteroid that led to its end. Luckily, them will be much easier. However, because we
       NASA  predicted  this  collapse  and  so,  a  huge  spacecraft are  not  living  in  paradise  yet,  those  five  can
       was created to carry some of the Earth’s ex-residents from cause a form of disunity in the country, just as
       all  over  the  globe.  And  since  life  on  Earth  was  not  fair, what  happened  in  Italy  many  years  ago.  The
       those who were only able to afford saving their lives were prince should be more diplomatic with them and
       able  to  move  to  Mars;  where  a  new  life  begins.  Mars  is make  use  of  their  smart  minds  to  preserve  the
       now  filled  with  people,  all  with  different  cultures, public interest. There is no problem in affording
       religions,  and  races.  Right  after  the  Prince  successfully the facilities that will help them in having power
       united  all  of  us  by  using  absolute  power  and  force,  and in  their  own  fields  of  specialization,  in  return,
       after he had established a strong and firm foundation, he they  should  stay  away  from  intervening  in  the
       wanted to create a desired country for everyone different political decision making. And to diminish their

       than that of the state of nature. A country where everyone power,  I  advise  the  prince  to  follow
       is having equal rights and enjoying the new life he has paid Machiavelli’s  democracy  which  is  based  on
       for. Through asking for my advice, as his political advisor, controlling  elites  with  ferocious  populism.  In
       the prince wants to gradually transform this authoritarian addition  to  that,  I  advise  him  to  avoid  using
       state to a democratic one. In addition to that, he wants to pseudo-democratic institutions for the sake of his
       do this transformation through avoiding the major mistakes own  self-interests,  as  these  manipulated
       that can lead to a mere façade of democracy. To transform institutions  give  him  the  legitimacy  that  he  can
       to a democratic system, I advise him to avoid listening to use over people domestically.
       and be influenced by the ultra-elite, those who were able to
       have  a  normal  flow  of  life  after  everything  has  changed,
       and they do not need to start from zero, they want to have
       power, and because we now have ex-elites, who are to be
       considered as people trying to afford a living, they cannot
       be  considered  dangerous  anymore  Hence,  it  was  much
       easier to keep balance. But what about the ultra-elites?
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