Page 14 - Issue-En-42
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ELITE                    Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
                                         Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022

                                                                as  per  the  region’s  current  status.  The  second
                                                                question from FEPS’s student revolved around
                                                                the global pandemic, whereas we’ve seen some

                                                                governments  prioritizing  the  national  interest
                                                                over the well-being of their citizens, and thus,
                                                                affecting  their  legal  human  rights  to  access
                                                                proper health care. Therefore, we were eager to
                                                                know  their  views  on  that  matter.  Mr.  Gilmore

                                                                argued that such a case of states deprioritizing
                                                                their citizens was in fact rare, and he believed
                                                                that  governments  had  actually  taken  extreme
                                                                unimaginable measures in order to protect their
        Finally, Mr. Gilmore concluded his speech               populations.  He  then  continued  to  stress  the

        with  heartfelt  advice  to  all  the  students         importance  of  listening  to  an  organization  like
        who  were  in  the  audience;  Based  on  his           WHO more often, as they have been calling and

        life  experiences,  he  assured  everyone  to           predicting  that  outbreak  for  quite  some  time

        have confidence that the changes they seek              now; we could’ve avoided a lot of obstacles if
        will  come.  He  also  expressed  how,                  we had followed them in the first place.
        growing up, he had always had the drive to

        change, and urged everyone with the same

        drive to accept that it’s okay for change to
        occur slowly.

        Moving  on,  the  seminar  was  open  to
        questions,  and  there  were  plenty  of

        interesting  ones  that  created  enlightening
        discussions between the attendees and the

        panel;  Without  a  doubt,  FEPS’s  students          Finally, the seminar was concluded by thanking

        were among the askers. The first question             speeches  from  both  Mr.  Gilmore  and  Dr.
                                                              Mosheera;  They  both  stated  how  fruitful  of  a
        from our side was “Doesn’t the seminary’s             seminar  this  had  been,  before  heading  for  a
        title  “Human  rights  from  a  European              group photo with all the attendees.

        perspective”? defy the principle of human             On behalf of the students who were a part of this

        rights’ universality that we learn and seek           visit, we, as Elite’s editors, would like to express
        to  implement?”.  The  question  was                  our gratitude to Dr. Hanan, Dr. Neveen, and Dr.

        answered  by  Dr.  Mosheera,  who  believed           Ramy  for  giving  us  the  chance  to  attend  this
        that  the  universality  of  human  rights            event;  it  was  a  one-of-a-kind  experience,  and

        doesn’t  in  any  way  contradicts  having            definitely an eye-opener over the critical topic of
                                                              human rights.
        different perspectives and priorities,

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