Page 17 - Issue-En-42
P. 17
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
The Other face of the Russian-Ukrainian war
"Caricature war"
Mayar Saber, third year, political science
The French Foreign Ministry said in a press conference
that the Russian ambassador in France was called
because of that post which the Russian embassy has
posted earlier on its official page on Twitter and said
that “ it was an unacceptable act “ The Russian
Embassy in Paris on post Twitter included that , a body
that lying down on a table and with the word "Europe"
written on it and two doctors One of them represented
the United States of America and was called (Empire of
Lies), and the other represented the European Union
and was called (European Reich) inject it with
Russophopia , New Nazism , Covid-19 and NATO. The
French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed his
anger towards this caricature described it as
"unacceptable act” and it would lead to more escalation
in the Russian crisis with the European Union. He She said "Truly? Is not the French Ministries of
added, "We try to keep a channel of dialogue with Foreign Affairs in France who taught us that any
Russia and these acts are not appropriate." drawings are normal, even the awful Charlie
In addition to criticizing French Minister of European Hebdo ones? We decided to follow their advice
Affairs, (Clement Beaune) to the caricature and he and use satire that they saw as evidence of
described it as a "shame". The Russian response came to freedom of expression, and now they don't like
remind France with the famous ‘ Charlie Hebdo anything." The Russian Embassy, in an interview,
‘caricature , which France published and it was with France press said that the issue of posting
considered as an offensive act toward Islamic religion, tweets was, among other issues, and it was
which was later denounced by the Director of the removed the next day after being published. ,"We
Information and Press Department of the Ministry of have the attention of our French colleagues on
Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation” Maria provocations and vandalism against Russian
zakharova” , on its official channel on Telegram. diplomatic missions in France," they added. 15