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ELITE Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
At that time, it was common at the time to specialize in either She followed her talk with the outcomes of that experience. The
international relations or comparative politics, but our guest has title of the research that was worked on was: "The International
never been just one or the other. Rather, she has chosen to follow Comparative Project for Civil Society Organizations," and it
a multidisciplinary approach. Sharing with us an excerpt of the dealt with the various criteria that govern work under the
overall tenor of her thesis, the doctor explains that it revolved umbrella of civil society. They are six criteria, the most
around the informal forces affecting decision-making, which important of which are: non-politicization, work for the public
back then was a completely unfamiliar topic. Commenting on interest, autonomy (albeit relatively), and an organizational
that, Dr. Amani asserted that it was time to broaden our focus structure in accordance with the law. At that time, when the
lens to include also the informal forces affecting decision- concept of civil society emerged, confusion occurred between it
making, which is why she devoted an entire chapter to and the concept of political parties. That is why Dr. Amani has
businesspersons’ associations and to details about them, some of been keen to focus on those aforementioned criteria, as it is not
which were personal. She also added details on how they affected correct to put political parties side by side with civil society.
and were affected by the economic open-door policies. Even if we say that it does not enjoy complete independence,
Refraining from exaggeration, which was indeed the first time there is still a difference between the former that seeks power and
for anyone to shed light on businesspersons, not to mention the the latter that works directly on society -- though both do seek
trade unions and the chambers of commerce and industry. To public good.
rephrase Dr. Amani’s words, civil associations or civil society From another corner and to reaffirm the criteria, Dr. Amani’s
had not been even mentioned up until that point, not even as a team wanted to include professional syndicates as part of civil
footnote or a byline! society, but she strongly objected, arguing that professional
Providing us with more and more, Dr. Amani mentioned that her syndicates violate the condition of volunteering. For example, for
thesis had a profound impact on several matters, starting from the a doctor or engineer to practice his profession, the main condition
steps towards expansion and the deep dive into a discourse on is to register in a professional union.
businessmen as one of society's forces, through the unions that Assuming everyone under the umbrella of civil society
take upon themselves the rights of their members, ending with volunteers in at least one place -- and this is our main criterion
the establishment of a special department for the study of NGOs. and not theirs – should a doctor be listed in the Physicians
With further research, it was found that they are rich in Syndicate without obtaining a certificate of completion of his
interactions and blending with political axes and dynamics. Here studies? The same thing applies to civil society, and therefore it
is what we can also consider a starting point, for Dr. Amani to was agreed that the professional syndicates are a borderline case.
start studying the cultural and social history of NGOs in Egypt, Moreover, Hopkins University had published three booklets in
and she was most committed to these two terms: associations and English by Dr. Amani, and other researchers had also had their
NGOs. All this effort and commitment came to fruition when the chapters published on this topic in international books.
American University of Johns Hopkins in Maryland contacted Meanwhile, the demand for the work of and in NGOs increased,
Dr. Amani to work as part of a 15-member research team from whether under the pressure of globalization, successive women
several international countries, with the doctor representing the and population conferences, partnerships, international summits,
Arab world. Commencing by the end of 1989, a number of or international documents that began to be concerned with the
meetings were held in America and several European capitals, development and sustainable development and the role of civil
lasting until 2000, crowned with abundant efforts and equally society in it. This actually had a major role in forming the focus
fruitful results. of Dr. Amani on NGOs and civil institutions.