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ELITE                    Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
                                         Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022

       Dr.  Amani  added  that  that  momentum  coincided  with  Prince There  are  those  who  say  that  the  concept  of  civil  society  is
       Talal bin Abdulaziz's intention - may God have mercy on him - western in nature and that those who focus on voluntary non-
       to  establish  an  Arab  network  that  would  support  and  animate governmental  organizations  overlook  the  special  nature  of
       NGO's, and that would work on studying them and introducing civil  and  voluntary  work  in  the  Arab  world  and  the  related
       their role. At that time, the Prince was in America and announced phenomena  of  charitable  societies,  endowments,  and  various
       said intention to some American professors, and their reactions forms of solidarity that are of a religious and sometimes tribal
       indicated that Dr. Amani Kandil was the right person for this job, nature.  What  do  you  think  about  the  extent  of  the
       not them.                                            comprehensiveness of the concept of civil society in describing
       Indeed, it was communicated and then contracted with them and and understanding these phenomena?
       the  United  Nations  provided  that  Dr.  Amani  would  be  the
       founder of the Arab Network for NGOs, headquartered in Cairo Dr. Amani refuted our inquiry by mentioning her 2011 published
       and that it would focus its interests on developing the capabilities book "What role does civil society play?" in which she talks about
       of  NGOs  and  Arab  civil  society.  This  was  a  significant  move how the role of civil society in Western societies is to contribute to
       because  its  work  at  that  time  started  encompassing  all  Arab achieving  social  stability  and  a  balance  between  interests.
       countries, so it was imperative to conduct a survey, research, and However, the hypothesis regarding Egypt says, for example, that it
       study  in  all  Arab  countries  and  also  build  a  strong  research is civil society that will achieve democracy and political reform as
       network.  Additionally,  Dr.  Amani  worked  on  training  and if it were a magic wand, and that for it Egypt was given millions
       upgrading the capabilities of the members of that network; she of  dollars  before  and  after  the  January  revolution.  In  reality,  it
       taught  them  a  lot,  from  attracting  professors  of  sociology  and would  be  a  complete  omission  of  the  fact  that  civil  society  is  a
       politics to conducting many studies that were published under the cultural, socio-political entity par excellence, and is not subject to
       name  "The  Arab  Network  for  NGOs."  She  also  paid  great import.  She  followed,  elaborating  that  the  Western  literature  we
       attention  to  training,  enriching  knowledge,  and  experiences, read  and  benefit  from  is  undoubtedly  important,  but  it  must  be
       which are inseparable from each other.               adapted to the living reality. It should not stand still in its place,
       Dr. Amani continued, explaining that working on the continuous rather it should continue developing.
       diligent development of the capabilities of the research team and Our interview touched upon another stage in the life of our guest
       its  knowledge  and  awareness  of  the  issues  of  the  country  in when  a  higher  authority  asked  her  to  conduct  a  study  on  civil
       which  it  is  working  is  necessary.  Accordingly,  an  excellent associations  in  Upper  Egypt.  Its  subject  was  extreme  poverty,
       training and knowledge program was devised to prepare qualified deplorable health, and deteriorating social conditions, all of which
       trainers.  Despite  the  long  and  fruitful  trip  that  benefited  our created  a  fertile  ground  for  Muslim  Brotherhood  groups  to  sow
       guest, she decided to retire from regular work and travel and to their seed and plow it. An example of this can be found in seven
       resign from the Arab Network in 2016. The doctor commented of the governorates of Upper Egypt, where about eight thousand
       that since her resignation, the network has unfortunately not been civil  associations  were  established  after  the  January  revolution
       quite as active or influential.                      with the aim of imposing hegemony on the poor by securing their
       Dr.  Amani  directed  some  advice  to  any  researcher  who  would food and expenses!
       like to break into the field of NGOs, urging them to have a broad, That is why Dr. Amani values the Hayah Karima (Decent Life)
       comprehensive, critical and comparative vision, because we are Program, which cares about Upper Egypt so that people do not fall
       not  talking  about  a  single,  homogeneous  entity,  but  rather  an into the clutches of those who traffic their religion and their lives.
       entity  that  reflects  a  branching  cultural,  social  and  political Therefore, she has presented parts of the Decent Life Program in
       phenomenon par excellence!                           her book, which will be published soon.

                                                            In your career, there are two interesting stations: your work
                                                            on the radio and your work with the the Center for Social and
                                                            Criminological Research. How have these two stations formed
                                                            the background and interests of Dr. Amani Kandil?

                                                            We  were  introduced  by  Dr.  Amani  to  another  spectrum  of  her
                                                            memories other than the one in the beginning of our conversation.
                                                            She told us that her love for radio work had first emerged back
                                                            when she was one of the shining lights of her school's morning
                                                            broadcast, as testified and praised by many of her teachers. She
                                                            followed in this passion of hers, impacted by senior media figure,
                                                            Mr. Hamdi Kandil - May God have mercy on him - her cousin,
                                                            until the opportunity came to apply for radio tests, through which
                                                            she was accepted.

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