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ELITE                    Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022
                                         Vol.1, Issue 42, April 2022

     Intervie w  with Dr.Amany Kandil,,  Pioneer of Arab Civil Society Studies

              Ramy Magdy, Jomana Khaled, Maram Mofreh, Mariam Younes  and Malak Ashraf

       Civil society... the story of the year, how did it start? Who plants   Dr.  Amani  excelled  as  she  gained  her  General  Secondary
       its  seed  and  who  reaps  its  harvest?  How  has  it  coped  with Certificate and ranked first in her governorate. At that time, those
       changing events and coalesced with conflict? What is its current ranking first across the country scored, at most, 85 percent, and
       position? What about its future? All this and more we tackle and our faculty only accepted the country's top 50. As one of them,
       analyze in this issue's report.                       Dr. Amani's hope of joining the faculty was fulfilled and within
                                                             its walls, she spent unforgettable times to which many wish to
       Let  us  first  warmly  welcome  our  honorable  guest,  Dr.  Amani return!
       Kandil, Dean of Civil Society Studies and founder of the Arab
       Network for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's).   You were often known for your special interest in the issues
                                                             of volunteer work and the civil sector, which was later named
       With  Dr.  Kandil  as  our  guide,  we  will  embark  on  a  fun, the  civil  society.  How  did  this  interest  start  and  how  did  it
       interesting, and equally informative tour, throughout which she develop?
       will  recount  for  us  the  most  important  stations  of  her  journey
       alongside  the  stories  that  touch  the  heart  and  begs  you  to Dr.  Amani  lead  us  up  the  ladder  up  which  she  climbed,
       reconsider things you thought you knew.               specifying the first step back to the time of her doctoral thesis
                                                             preparations.  The  thesis,  whose  topic  was  on  economic
       How did your relationship with the Faculty of Economics and policymaking  during  the  1970s  and  80s,  coincided  with  the
       Political Science Start? Why did you choose to join it?   state's  reorientation  towards  economic  openness  at  that  time.
                                                             Consequently,  the  thesis'  contributions  can  be  considered  a
       In a spontaneous talk, Dr. Amani Kandil displayed before us a turning  point  of  change  in  the  school  of  political  science  in
       wide  spectrum  of  her  memories.  She  spoke  of  her  academic Egypt. Not to mention that Dr. Amani was also the first student
       excellence  and  diligence  with  regard  to  her  studies  in  her  pre- to focus on policymaking, which paved the way for the launch of
       university  years,  her  family's  optimistic  foresight  of  her  good the School of Public Policy, as documented. Her thesis was also
       future, and her passion and eagerness when it came to reading -- the first to be supervised by our great professor, Dr. Aley El Din
       particularly  on  topics  related  to  her  homeland  and  the  world Helal.
       amidst an era where news of internal and external conflict was This  was  followed  by  some  important  details;  Dr.  Amani
       frequent. Naturally, she was insistent on following up on daily mentioned that she was the first student to base her main sources
       newspapers, which had an immense impact on forming her inner on  conducting  personal  interviews  with  senior  leaders,  as  she
       core and shaping her interests. At that point, she decided, in her conducted an interview with the then Prime Minister Abdel Aziz
       heart, to enroll in the Faculty of Economics and Political Science Hegazy alongside other ministers and members of the Economic
       which had only been established a few years prior. With a goal in Group,  and  she  expressed  her  keenness  to  conduct  such
       mind,                                                 interviews.

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