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                                                       A Short Story

                                                     Zeina Marei - Level 3 - Economics

         That same poorly lighted room, that same            overshadowing the bloping sound of blood

         bloody  sink,  and  that  same  humane              drops.  Shadows  intertwine  in  the  puddle

         figure,  kneeling  against  a  wall.  She           beneath  her,  and  just  as  she  bends  over,
         observes the scene from afar, curious to            shrieks  of  pain  transpire.  Her  breath

         understand, but it all looks hazy, and the          becomes heavier, along with her inability
         longer she stares, the more illusionary it          to move or scream for help - her inability

         looks.  She  starts  tripping,  falling  back       to break free. The next day she walks into
         into reality, as it all dusts away.                 her  own  trap  to  the  sound  of  regret.

         Different day, yet the same supercuts. In           Mimics  of  her  inner  thoughts  are  all  she
         a corner stands that unidentifiable figure,         hears, as she cautiously walks in.

         reeking  of  blood.  “What  is  it?”  She           “Who are you?” She asks the figure; yet
         wonders, “How isn’t it dead yet?”                   the  question  remains  unanswered  to  her

         Just as she speaks, its head slowly turns           naive  thoughts.  She  aggressively  asks
         in her direction. She fearfully escapes, to         again. It starts narrating her inner thoughts

         once again rebound back into reality.               as she interrogates it, until she falls for its
         “How could it hear me?” She undeniably              words.

         questions.                                          “Why did I do this?” It sobs, “Why didn’t

         This  time,  she’s  being  lured  in  by  the       I think this through?”
         voices.  Multiple  voices  identified,  only        And as she identifies the creature, it starts
         one body seen. She anxiously approaches             moving towards her whilst crying aloud “I

         the  entrance,  whilst  the  figure  lies  still.   would do anything to turn back the clock

         Her trembles amplify,                               five minutes.”

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