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                                                article title result, it has become essential to know the
             The above effects are just a few examples of the   As a
             influence  of  social  networks  in  general,  the  interpretations of memes, the lines of a certain
             trends have other more specific effects. It cannot  movie or actor, the "modern" way of speaking
             be  denied  that  sometimes  there  are  important  or  even  laughing,  the  emoji  to  use  and  the
             causes  which  are  in  vogue  and  therefore  push  sarcastic  and  "cool"  replies  to  use.  In  some
             officials and societies either to change or to take  cases,  others  may  make  you  wonder  if  all  of
             action  towards  this  cause,  the  most  famous   this is even more important than your career,
             examples being the tendency to allow victims to    academic  pursuit,  time  with  loved  ones,  or
             speak freely about sexual harassment and rape      even  your  mental  stability.  So  we  see  older
             without  taboos  or  fear  of  judgment,  also  there  people  who  are  constantly  trying  to  keep  up
             was  a  tendency  to  share  the  reality  of  the  with  trends  and  use  them  to  look  younger
             oppression  that  Palestinians  face.  Yet  treating  while other actual young people are referred to
             these topics as trends only is an understatement   as  “oldies”  because  they  have  chosen  to  be
             of  their  importance.  But  this  is  not  our  hard  more  interested  in  real  life  and  a  concrete
             core, it is about the importance that individuals,  purpose.
             especially  young  people,  give  to  the  following
             With  technological  evolution,  the  world  is
             getting faster and faster so in a single month you
             can  have  more  than  10  different  trends
             replacing  each  other.  If  you  open  the  trending
             topics section on Twitter, you would see that in
             one day there is continual competition to be the
             hottest  topic.  In  most  cases,  these  topics  are
             neither logical nor informative, one could even
             say  that  they  are  rather  silly  and  childish.
             However,  following  the  trends  makes  a  person
             more "cool ", "young" and "lit". So if a person
             is busy for a few days in his studies, work… etc.
             and therefore doesn’t follow trends, when they
             return  to  social  networks  they  will  not
             understand what it is; and then if they make the
             mistake  of  asking  they  will  be  called  "old",
             "isolated" and "out of the world".

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