Page 24 - En-38
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him. The beggar here plays on a chord. The third story: One of the people says
Passion to lure individuals and persuade that he received a message on one of the
them to transfer sums of money to him means of communication for an unknown
through messages he sends through the person asking for assistance with an
means of communication, while he is amount of money to contribute to the
sitting at his home without making any release of one of the fines from prison and
effort. leaving a mobile cash number to transfer
Here are some true stories of online the amount to him, and the strange thing
beggary scams: is that this person asked for help for the
The first story: A person tells that he second time and when he was asked to
found a post on one of the “Facebook” prove the authenticity of his story this
groups a year ago that included a person’s disappeared the person.
request to provide him with financial aid It is worth noting that this type of beggary
due to his serious illness, and indeed affects the right of the real needy, and
donations were collected for him and sent drains many people’s money on the
to a special number on one of the means of communication, so what are the
telecommunications companies, and the ways to combat this type of beggary?
strange thing is that the same person A The fight against this type of beggary is to
few months ago, he posted the same story raise awareness not to give money to
on several other social media groups. anonymous people who ask for money
The second story: A person tells that a through social media unless they are sure
friendship developed between him and a that they need this money, campaigns and
person he does not know through initiatives that devote their activities to
“Facebook” and within two weeks this controlling online begging operations
person sent him a message that he needed should be intensified, such as the
help because his house was burning, and "Mabahith al-Khair" initiative, which
he left an account to transfer the money to examines cases of requests for help
him, and after sending the amount it through social media groups and
became clear that this person is wanted In ascertains their need for assistance, it is
many fraud cases. also necessary to inform the Internet and
public police investigations about begging
attempts through social media.
Before you give your money to these
people, make sure that they are in real
need to this money, so that you do not
waste the money of the real needy and so
that you do not fall into the trap of fraud.