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                                      Supply chains crisis: The dark side of

                                                  economic globalization

                                                  Mustafa Ahmed - Level 4 - Political Science

         On  the  13th  of  October,  President  Joe  Biden A  crisis  so  severe  that  it  will  not  be  solved
         announced  that  he  would  direct  the  Los         without  full  cooperation  between  decision

         Angeles port to operate at full capacity to ease makers around the world.
         the crowding inside it. He held meetings with If  you  have  been  following  politicians'
         major  shipping  companies  as  FedEx,  major        statements  lately,  you  will  find  that  this
         commercial chains as Target, truck drivers and catastrophe  can  be  traced  back  to  the  same

         labor associations to oblige them to fasten the reason; the supply chain crisis.
         transportation  and  uploading  of  goods  to Supply chains are the best way to deliver goods
         combat one of the gravest economic crises. A and services in shorter time, with better quality
         crisis  so  serious  that  it  made  the  largest and cheaper price from and to anywhere in the

         economy  in  the  world  suffer  from  severe world.  They  appeared  with  the  first  produced
         shortage in the offered products.                    and  sold  commodity.  They  also  form  an
         The  UK  has  also  been  suffering  from  an essential part of production and distribution.
         extreme shortage in energy supplies as well as a For instance, we have a small commodity such

         rise in their prices. Which led PM Boris Jonson as  a  loaf  of  bread.  So,  all  the  levels  starting
         to pledge to take strong procedures to face that     from  wheat  cultivation  till  reaching  its  final
         crisis.                                              form  are  called  a  supply  chain,  including
         Dubai,  one  of  the  world's  largest  logistical   transportation, production, etc... That is why, if

         cities announced that it is not going to receive there  is  an  error  at  any  level,  it  can  and
         container ships for a week to be able to reduce probably will affect the rest.
         ship crowding that has reached 70 ships.             The  world  post-Corona  has  become  quite
         International  organizations'  reports  as  the different than before. And with the appearance

         International  Bank  Group  and  the  FAO  have of  the  different  vaccines,  the  wheel  of
         showed  that  the  world  is  currently  facing  an international trade gradually began to turn once
         unprecedented crisis.                                more.

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