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         Egyptian  Efforts  to  combat  Violence  against     On  the  societal  level,  we  have  seen  a  rise  in  the
         women (VAW)                                          platforms that call for women’s rights in general and
         It has been clear in the past couple of years that Egypt  who protest against violent crimes against women in
         is  beginning  to  pay  more  attention  to  the  problems  particular such as Speak Up and Assault Police. Both
         faced by women, both on governmental and societal    of  whom  played  and  continue  to  play  an  important
         levels.  This  has  been  apparent  on  the  governmental  role  in  supporting  and  encouraging  victims  of
         level  in  the  increase  in  the  number  of  women’s  violence  to  speak  up  and  fight  for  their  rights  by
         shelters for violence victims in 2019, amending some  providing  them  with  a  safe  environment  to  speak
         articles of the 58/1937 Penal Law to confront sexual  without fear of being stigmatized, connecting them to
         harassment  and  intensifying  the  penalty  for  female  specialists  whether  lawyers  or  psychologists  and  by
         genital mutilation in 2021.                          raising  awareness  regarding  violent  crimes  and  how
                                                              to seek help if you ever become a victim of them.
                                                              Thus,  with  all  the  efforts  that  are  being  done  to
                                                              combat VAW, we must all stand united against this
                                                              despicable  phenomenon  by  knowing  our  rights,
                                                              believing  and  supporting  the  victims  and  raising
                                                              awareness amongst our social circles.

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