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         The musical segments of the ceremony continued
         with  the  song  "The  Sweetest  Country  of  the
         World, My Country", with which the artist Hind
         Al-Rawi delighted us and created an atmosphere

         of  enthusiasm.  It  was  followed  by  a  folkloric
         show that included a folk dance that stems from
         the civilization of ancient Egypt.
         The  entertainment  segments  paused  for  a  while
         so that, Dr. Khaled Al-Anani could give a speech
         about  the  completion  of  the  works  and  the
         unveiling of the avenue of the  sphinxes project
         in its new look. He also spoke about other goals
         that  have  worked  on,  such  as  developing  the
         visual  identity,  promoting  Luxor  and  increasing
         the  sense  of  belonging  and  awareness  among      Dozens of performers and artists participated in the
         Egyptians, especially youth and children.             dazzling and perfect embodiment of that holy feast
         The  celebration  was  then  resumed  by  an          under the tunes of the orchestra and the choir of the
         embodiment  of  the  feast  of  Opet,  an  ancient    Philharmonic  Union  led  by  the  creative  maestro

         Egyptian  feast,  which  was  held  every  harvest    Nader Abbasi.
         season  since  the  beginning  of  the  modern  state  In a wonderful evocation of the classics of the fine
         era.                                                  arts  of  the  city,  the  artist  Wael  El-Fashni  sang
                                                               “Luxor  Baladna”  in  a  wonderful  embodiment  of
                                                               the  masterpiece  of  the  Reda  Troupe,  announcing
                                                               the nearing of the end of the great celebration and
                                                               the  wonderful  revival  of  our  heritage,  which  we
                                                               have always been proud of.
                                                               Indeed, towards the end of the song, both Hind Al-
                                                               Rawi  and  Shahd  Ezz  joined  Wael  Al-Fashni  on
                                                               stage.  After  the  ending  of  the  song,  a  torrent  of
                                                               fireworks  were  released  in  the  sky  of  Luxor
                                                               announcing the end of the legendary ceremony and
         In the Feast of Opet, the statues of the gods of      reminding us of what we have and what we can do.
         the  Theban  Triad,  Amun,  Mut,  and  their  son,    We are the descendants of the Pharaohs. We are the
         God Khonsu, were transported inside their sacred      nation  that  any  aggressor  fears.  Here,  there  will
         boats in a large festive procession. The purpose      always be greatness and fine origins. Here, is the
         of that celebration at the time was the meeting of    beginning of history and the cradle of civilization.

         the god "Amun-Ra", god of the Karnak Temple,          Here is Egypt.
         with  the  god  Amun  of  Luxor,  with  the  aim  of
         renewing  the  birth.  The  ceremonies  usually
         included the re-crowding of the king.
         That  is  exactly  what  was  re-embodied  in  the
         celebration  of  the  opening  of  the  Avenue  of
         Sphinxes, which began with the chant of Amun
         followed by the chant of Hatshepsut in a majestic

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