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                                              16 Days of Activism against

                                                  Gender-Based Violence

                                                   Menna-t-Allah Hossam Enan - Level 2 - Economics

         Lately,  we  have  all  been  seeing  people  integrating
         orange into their style, changing their profile pictures
         to orange and using the hashtag #OrangeTheWorld on
         their social media accounts.
         All  of  this  falls  under  the  “Orange  The  World”
         Campaign  which  takes  place  during  the  16  Days  of
         Activism against Gender-Based Violence.
         Now, there are many questions that may come to mind
         after reading that. What is the 16 Days of Activism?
         How did it start? What does it call for? What is Orange  According  to  the  International  Women’s  Development
         The  World?  How  can  we  participate?  And  what  is  Agency (IWDA), on the 25th of November 1960, sisters
         Egypt’s stance on this issue?                       Patria,  Minerva  and  Maria  Teresa  Mirabal,  three
         What is the 16 Days of Activism Campaign?           political activists who actively opposed the cruelty and
         The  16  Days  of  Activism  against  Gender-Based  systematic  violence  of  the  Trujillo  dictatorship  in  the
         Violence is a global campaign that started in 1991, it  Dominican  Republic,  were  clubbed  to  death  and
         calls for an end to violence against women and girls. It  dumped  at  the  bottom  of  a  cliff  by  Trujillo’s  secret
         takes  place  every  year  and  begins  on  the  25th  of  police.

         November,  the  International  Day  for  the  Elimination The  Mirabal  sisters  became  symbols  of  the  feminist
         of Violence Against Women and ends on the 10th of resistance,  and  in  commemoration  of  their  deaths  25
         December, the Human Rights Day. Thus, highlighting  November  was  declared  International  Day  for  the
         that violence against women is a fundamental violation  Elimination  of  Violence  against  Women  in  Latin
         of human rights.                                    America  in  1980.  This  international  day  was  formally
         How did the campaign start?                         recognized by the United Nations in 1999.
         There  actually  is  a  very  interesting  yet  saddening  In  June  1991,  the  Centre  for  Women’s  Global
         reason  for  choosing  the  25th  of  November  as  the  Leadership (CWGL), alongside participants of the first
         International  Day  for  the  Elimination  of  Violence  Women’s  Global  Institute  on  Women,  Violence  and
         against Women and why it was subsequently chosen as  Human Rights, called for a global campaign of 16 Days
         the starting date for the 16 Days of Activism.      of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

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