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                                        Social media trends: How can

                                            they define your "youth"?

                                                       Mariam Ismail -  Level 2 - Political Science

            “Man is a social animal.” This is the essence     Without  doubt,  “algorithm”  is  the  most
            of  the  creation  of  social  networks;  another  conspicuous  and  anticipated  keyword  associated
            step in our quest for more networking, more       with trends. In fact, contrary to what many people
            relationships,  more  "friends"  and  recently    think the social media algorithm is not impossible
            more  views  and  "likes".  The  idea  of    social  to  solve  or  understand,  it  is  just  that  this
                                                              algorithm  is  in  continuous  evolution  and  differs
            media kept growing and invading huge parts        from platform to platform. The changes applied to
            of our lives and even businesses to the point     the  algorithm  has  only  one  purpose  :  to  attach
            where  we  had  to  learn  how  it  works  and    more and more individuals to their devices; as it
            decipher  the  ever-changing  algorithm  that     was  said  in  the  dystopian  Black  Mirror  series

            makes us let's always be “connected”. Much        “every update recommended or offered by the app
            of  this  is  based  on  the  principle  of  being  does nothing but make the user unable to look up
            “aware  of  everything”,  an  idea  that  sounds  from their device even for the most important of
            harmless  but  under  which  the  concept  of     reasons.” So no one can deny that social networks
            "trends" is hidden. These trends affect us in     in  general  have  become  intoxicating;  Instagram
            many  ways  every  day  unconsciously,  it  is    shows you how you are incapable of being happy
                                                              like  those  influencers  always  travelling,  Twitter
            enough that now we can mark periods of our        convinces you that life is miserable and nothing is
            life  with  their  trends  as  if  they  were     going right, Facebook makes you laugh at memes
            historical events.                                that  are  sometimes  not  funny  at  all,  Tiktok  tells
            But  what  is  a  social  media  trend?  A  trending  you  that  dancing  gives  a  lot  more  money  than
            topic is one that gains popularity on one or more  learning,…  etc.  These  are  just  a  few  of  the
            social  media  platforms  for  a  limited  time.  A  hundreds  of  existing  applications  and  more  that
            trend can be in a single country, or a region or  are   still   emerging.   Our   happiness   and
            even  the  whole  world;  also  it  can  vary  between  unhappiness  are  conditioned  by  what  we  read,
            simple  memes  or  political  conflicts.  In  short,  a  only  profiles  -  sometimes  of  unknown  people  -
            trend  is  anything  attractive  to  individuals,  have  the  authority  to  legitimize  the  reasons  for
            whatever its nature.                              being sad or being happy.

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