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P. 61

Z  E  I  N  A     M  A  R  E  I
                                                                                   A   U    T  E   U    R

                   M   U  L  A N     C  O N T  R  O  V  E  R S  Y

              Mulan   -   one  of   everyone  ’s   favorite  Disney  movies   -
                                                                Disney   hoped   that   Mulan   would   be   a
              has   recently   been   turned   into   a   live-action   and
                                                                major   success   for   their   company   at   the
              Disney  ’s   fans   couldn  ’t   help   but   fangirl   about   it
                                                                lucrative   Chinese   box   office,   yet   the
              expecting   the   remake   to   turn   heads,   which
                                                                movie   has   already   faced   controversy   and
              undeniably   happened,   yet   not   in   Disney  ’s   favor.
              Mulan,   the   live-action   remake   has   become   a
                                                                setbacks.  The  movie  ’ s  release  renewed  the
              political flashpoint, whereas producers were bashed,
                                                                controversy   surrounding   it,   and   pro-
              and   online   uproars   escalated   with   the   hashtag
                                                                democracy   activists   in   Hong   Kong,
              #BoycottMulan trending on multiple platforms.
                                                                Thailand   and   Taiwan     have   once   again
                                                                called   on   people   to   boycott   the   film
                 Controversy   first   rose   about   the   movie   in   2019
              when   lead   character   Liu   Yifei   allegedly   supported
                                                                because   of   Liu's  remarks   last   year.   Critics
              Hong   Kong  ’s   police   brutality   against   pro-
                                                                are  also  questioning   the  movie  ’s  ability   on
              democracy   protesters.   Liu   wrote   in   a   tweet   online:
                                                                winning   over   Chinese   audience,   claiming
              "I support the Hong Kong police. You can all attack
                                                                the   movie   used   Japanese   “ ninja   gestures  ”
              me now. What a shame for Hong Kong  ”. The reveal
              was a lot to take in, especially with the unrest taking  and   Chinese   stereotypes.   In   fact,   a   few
              place   in   Hong   Kong   at   the   time,   sparking   the
                                                                critics   stated   that   this   might   be   one   of
              hashtag #BoycottMulan on social media.   
                                                                Disney  ’ s   very   rare   losses,   making   a   very
                                                                low   profit   compared   to   its   200   million
              The   rallying   cries   were   then   renewed   after   viewers
                                                                USD budget.
              noticed   Disney  ’s   acknowledgment   of   several
              Chinese   government   bodies   in  Xinjiang   (a   Western
              province)   in   the   film  ’s   credits.     Parts   of   the   movie
                                                                The   company   got   backlashed   from
              were   shot   in  a   province   known   to   hold   from   one  to
                                                                audience   all   around   the   world,   stating
              two   million   Uighur   Muslims   into   concentration
                                                                that   Disney   not   only   ignores   public
              camps.   Internment   camps   as   such   have   been
              implemented by the Chinese government since 2014,
                                                                opinion   on   discrimination,   but   supports
              brainwashing   people   into   thinking  these  camps   are
                                                                it too. Disney  ’s live-action remakes have
              for   education   and   training,   but   are   they?   The
                                                                greatly   succeeded,   having   millions   of
              justification   used   for   these   internment   camps   is   to
                                                                viewers   over   the   years,   yet   this   might
              create   an   alibi   to   disguise   the   torture,   rape,   and
                                                                not   just   be   it.  Mulan  might   be   Disney  ’ s
              indoctrination   victims   face.   Internment   camps   are
              methods   of   preventing   Uighur   Muslims   from
                                                                one   exception;   there's   a   chance   that   it
              practicing   their   religious   activities.   The
                                                                could   very   well   be   cancelled   before   it
              discrimination   faced   by   Uighur   Muslims   has   been
                                                                even   really   begins,   but   who  ’ s   to   blame
              overlooked   for   six   years   before   regaining   attention
                                                                but the producers?
              in   2020,   thus   the   mentioned   controversy   has
              definitely backfired on Disney.

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