Page 64 - Issue-24-fr
P. 64

Mariam Magd

                             THE          FEMINISM                   UPRISING

                             AND          ITS      AFTERMATH                    !

              “Feminism  ”   is   a   definition   that   is   frequently   used  This   bitter   situation   continued   with   the
              lately, but not everyone is well aware
                                                              emergence   of   a   few   rape   cases   and   the
              of  it  ’s  meaning.  First  of  all  let  me   enlighten  you  what
                                                              interacting   of   social   media   with   it.   Until   a   web
              “Feminism  ” means, it is a range of social movements,
                                                              page was launched on   “Instagram  ”, titled
              political   movements,   and   ideologies   that   aim   to
                                                              as   “Assault Police  ”, started to list the testimonies
              define,   establish,   and   achieve   the   political,
                                                              of rape and sexual harassment victims   – included
              economical, personal, and social equality between the
                                                              100 girls and children - that will blow your mind
                                                              and   make   you   feel   disgusted.   This   what   is   so
                                                              called   a   movement   raised   the   concept   of
              Feminism movements enhance the position of women
              in society. Since the movement was almost impossible
                                                              feminism once more.
              to start in Egypt because Egyptian woman was facing
              customs   and   traditions,   which   took   not   only   her
                                                              In   conclusion,   we   find   ourselves   in   front   of   an
              rights   but   her   life   as  well.  Although  1919   revolution
                                                              uprising   that   didn  ’t   start   with   any   governmental
              was   the   first   participation   of   Egyptian   women   in
                                                              organization  concerned  with  women  ’s  rights,  but
              political   life,   but   the   official   beginning   of   the
                                                              it   began   with   the   voice   of   the   Egyptian  woman,
              feminism   movement   was   between   1923-   1939   when
                                                              through   it   she  was  able  to  reach  her  voice   to  the
              Mrs.  Huda  Shaarawi  founded   the  Egyptian  Feminist
                                                              public   again.   Although   many  people  continue  to
              Union.   This   union   played   a   major   rule   later   in
              reviving   Egyptian   Women   in   society   and   changing  downplay   this   issue,   extinguish   the   fire   of   its
              many traditions that devaluated women at this time.
                                                              uprising   and   distort   its   victims,   by   using   the
                                                              method of
              This   progress  didn  ’t  continue  long   as  a   result   of   the
                                                              repression   and   concealment,   and   attempts   not  to
              attempts   of   many   organizations   to   marginalize   the
                                                              reveal   the   truth   but   the   woman  ’s   voice   is   still
              role of women in society. In other words they created
                                                              present   and   able   to   change.   We   aren  ’t   talking
              a  life  style  that   presented  women  as  the  perpetrators
                                                              about  individual  cases   only,  but   about  women  of
              rather   than   the   victims   and   as   tools   to   stimulate
                                                              an   entire   community   who   have   become   victims
              instincts and desires in men. As the time went by, this
                                                              of   the   worst   forms   of   psychological   harm   for
              increased   family   violence,   rates   of   rape   and      sexual
                                                              decades,   and   there   are   still   screaming   victims
              harassment.   This   usual  lifestyle   made  women   live  in
              silence,   fear   and   ashamed   of   their   bodies,   which   all
                                                              and society must change.
              lead   slowly   to   the   extinguish   of   the   concept   of
              feminism in Egypt.

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