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N  O  U  R  H  A  N     O  S  S  A  M  A


                                                              And  soon   the  conversation  of   that  meeting,  or   of  ou  r   hadith
            He   became   another   human   being   than   the   man   whom   he
                                                              meeting,   disappeared.   Our   feet   were  heavy   from   the   filling
            and   those   around   him   once   knew,   and   he   found   himsel  f
                                                              our   heart   with   love,   and   the   words   did   not   come   to   any
            more sensitive than before,
                                                              benefit  now,  for  we  made  a   commitment  to  the   eyes   a  nd  the
            He   did   not   intend   to   distance   himself   from   his   coll  eagues,
            but   love   comes   by   this   effect   on   him,   and   he   looked     at   his
                                                              The  places   have   witnessed   on   our   covenant,   and   how   much
            world with the eyes of that girl, as if he had sati  sfied his love
                                                              we preferred to leave the end always open, we have   no ability
            from the world and everything in it, And his heart   embraced
                                                              to close its door, every defeat had a tattoo and a   figure that I
            her in her hand at peace every time, as if his hear  t was in his
                                                              carefully   saw   them   to   you   in   the   wall   of   my   heart,   that   is
            hand,   when   he  came   to  her,  it   was  as  if  all  people   had  come
                                                              from friend of my life , and those are from old stu  mbles,
            to  him,  and  when  he   departed  from  her,   as  if   all   pe  ople  had
                                                              This   is   a   disappointment   clotted   with   love,   too,   th  en   I   took
            departed from him.
                                                              you  on  a  tour  about  what  a  place  was   assigned  to  yo  u,  about
                                                              your   deliberation  for  them  all,   about  my  hope   not   t  o   be  like
            Their   conversation   was   always   a   pure   virgin   as   he   u  sed   to
                                                              them, about my weakness here, and my vulnerability   there,
            see   her,   the   hours   were   not   full   of   breadth   for   the  m,   to
                                                              I show you what should not be seen, then you freeze   me with
            complete   all   the   letters   in   all   languages,   she   told     him   a   lot
                                                              your   noble   words   and   conversations   all   the   time,   un  til   I   cut
            about   her   father,   her   mother   and   her   family,   about   the
                                                              the umbilical cord of my heart and left it for you.
            position  of   her   bed   in  the  room,   about  the  extent  o  f  her  love
            for that doll and the secret that she put it in it,
                                                              I   know   that   you   have   never   seen   such   naivety   before  !   You
            About   her   vision   of   the   world,   about   her   philosophy     of
                                                              have   met   many,   but   my   difference   came   in   an   apparen  t
            dreams,   about   how   much   he   broke   into   her   virgin   hea  rt,
                                                              naivety that you saw, and only you were allowed to   approach
            about her naive imagination that he was quick to ma  tch her,
                                                              this distance,
            but usually he felt overwhelming nostalgia for the   truth, and
                                                              I   have   become   what  you   want   something  by  little,   ge  t  rid  of
            it was the first time that she felt
                                                              this,  and  I   node   you   my   head,   and   acquire  those  ski  lls,   so   I
            With   so  much  happiness,  she   had  consumed  herself  by    him,
                                                              say   well,   act   a   little  tact,  don't  be  confrontation  al,   but  leave
            and she did all efforts that could close her to tha  t hope.
                                                              me that clash, don't be so stupid.
                                                              You are right. I was a stupid person who is tired t  oday, like a
            Fate was not childish in her calculation, and that   it came one
                                                              chess   piece   that   moves   it   in   many   directions,   and   p  lays   the
            day  to  change   the  features  of  the   dream,  revealing   what  she
                                                              role  of  an   elephant,  a   king   and  a  soldier,  a   whole   army,   and
            did   not   want   to   see   and   could   not   hear,   and   she   wou  ld
                                                              this   was   not   enough   for   you   either.   Do   not   spread   h  ope   in
            respond   to   the   wailing   of   those   voices   within   her,   but   the
                                                              everything you say and wish.
            cloud of love was greater than her fears.
            The   beginning   remained   like   other   beginnings,   not
                                                              Just   look   at   those   statistics,   numbers   and   data,   do     not   like
            distinguished   by   anything,   they   build   their   house   t  ogether,
                                                              the night, it is for the tired-one and do not claim   that you are
            crowned   by   their   hope,   we   always   closed   its   windows  ,   to
                                                              one of them, you do not know anything yet!
            prevent   tragedy   from   entering   home,we   were   afraid   o  f
                                                              Those  memories  tired  me  now,  which  You  have  left   th  em   on
            people abandoning us already
                                                              my  doorstep,  I  do  not  believe  in   mosquitoes  as  you   do,  and  I
            My  lost  was   with   you  in   one   way,  and  I  chose   it   and    it   was  do  not   accept  the   path  of  life   in  the  presence  of  i  ts  people  or
            my  delusion.   Now   it   is   time  for   us   to   say   what   we   w  ant,   to  their absence as you told me,
            write   our   own   poems   on   the   walls   at   afternoon   time,     to  Rather,   each   one   of   them   leaves   a   small   bell   in   the     heart,
            exchange letters to us at evening time,           which you can hear if an echo.
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