Page 54 - Issue-24-fr
P. 54

R  E  E  M     O  M  R  A  N
               R  A  W   A  N  E     N  A  D  E  R

                           HELLO, FUTURE.

                                                              the brain  ’s signals to aid in treating a long
            The   idea   of   superhumans   has   made   an
                                                              list   of   diseases,   including:   memory   loss,
            appearance    in   fictional   movies   over   the
                                                              paralysis,   blindness,  Alzheimer,  and  brain
            decades,   whilst   always   being   associated
            with the future; little did we know that we
            are   currently   experiencing   this   “future  ”.
                                                              A   surgical   robot   is  to   perform   the   3   steps
            The   globe   is   now   living   in   an   era   where
                                                              implanting procedure, and shockingly, the
            humans   ’   brains   can   be   electronically
                                                              whole   process   is   estimated   to   require   less
            controlled,   all   thanks   to   Elon   Musk  ’s
                                                              than   an   hour   without   general   anesthesia,
            latest invention: LinkV0.9.
                                                              and   with   the   possibility   of   leaving   the
                                                              hospital on the same day.
            Elon Musk, who is best known for
            technological    revolutions,    has    now
                                                              As   for   technical   specifications,   the   chip
            officially       taken        over        the
                                                              will   have   an   all-day   battery   life,   and   will
            neurotechnological      industry.    It   all
                                                              be      wirelessly     charged       through
            commenced      in   2016,   when   he   first
                                                              electromagnetic   induction.   Moving   on   to
            founded his company      “Neuarlink   ”;
                                                              what the future has in plan for this device,
            implanting   wireless   brain   chips   in   an
                                                              the   chip   will   be  able   retain   memories   and
            attempt    to   find   a   cure   for   deadly
                                                              even  dreams,  to  be   later   transferred   to   an
            neurological  diseases   was   the  main  aim  of
                                                              external    device    or   another     brain,
            this   establishment,   and   it   is      one   step
                                                              alongside         analyzing        problems,
            closer   to  achieving  it.  The   very  first  demo
                                                              automatically   fixing   mood   swings   and
            of   f   LinkV0.9   was   presented   on   the   28th
                                                              preventing   the   physical   feel   of   pain   and
            of   August   2020,   revealing   short   and   long
            terms   plans   for   what   many   regard   s   a
            game-changer     device.      Over   the   next
                                                              In   other   words,   the   human   brain   will   be
            couple of years, the chip  ’s mechanism will
                                                              similar   to   a   hard   disk   drive,   performing
            solely focus on reading the
                                                              with a computerized mechanism.

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