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W  R I  T  T  E  N     B Y  :
             F  A  R  A  H     I  S  L  A  M

               This   explanation   is   the   most   famous   but  The   two   explanations   are   hard   to   believe
               there   is   no   scientific   evidence   for   it,   what  because  they  ’re   not   based  on   clear   scientific
               we  discussed   is  hard  to  believe   it  ’s  like   the  foundations   but   if   we   looked   to   all   those
               science-fiction   films,   perhaps   we   wonder  events we will find that these two reasons are
               about   the   possibility   of   the   traveling  the   most   logical  because   there   is   no   another
               between   this  parallel  worlds?  In  fact,  there  strong  explanation,   some   people  said  that  all
               is   no   scientific   experiments   approve   that  this   happened   because   of   the   false   memory
               this  can  happen   but  every   day  the   world  is  but   how   it   happened   to   all     this   people   who
               in progress imagination can become reality    don  ’t   have  any   connections   between  them  in
               but   if   we   go   deeper   into   the   idea   of   the  terms of location, culture or language.
               intervention   between   the   worlds   we   will
               find   it   terrifying,   if   this   situation   continue  Everything   that   happens   is   expected   as   a
               may   be   many   people   lost   a   lot   of   result   of   the   terrible   scientific   development
                memories.                                    that   we   have   reached,   during   the   coming
                                                             years,   it  ’s   expected   the   appearance   of   new
               Move   to   the   second   explanation   which   is  modern   techniques   that   can   explain   this
               considered   more   insane   it  ’s   the   travelling  supernatural   phenomena   but   is   there   in
               across the time, this idea has been taken up  connection   between   this   events   and   any
               in      a   lot   of   science-fiction   movies   and  other   plans   its   goal   is   to   distract   and   seize
               novels,   this   explanation   sees   that   Nilsson  the mind of human beings? Now we  ’re in the
               Mandela   died  in   2013  but  there  is  someone  era   of      technology   and   scientific   progress,
               who   travelled   to   the   past   and   he   makes  who   owns   this   technology   can   control   the
               him die in the eighties which causes kind of  world   so   it  ’s   a   double-edged   sword   can   lead
               defect   in   history   but   until   now   there   is   no  us   to   prosperity   and   sophistication   or   it   can
               scientific   proof   for   the   possibility   of  lead us to default and regresses due to wrong
               travelling to the past but if that  ’s real.      usage
               By   all   accounts   we  ’re   in   a   disaster,
                  because   this   thing   may   change   the   facts
               and therefore change the history and it will
               also   lead   to   the   occurrence   of   things   that
               the human mind does not comprehend.

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