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P. 49

W   R  I  T  T  E  N     B  Y  :

                                                                                        F  A  R  A  H     I  S  L  A  M


            Did   you   wonder   one   day   about   the   existence   of
                                                              but   there   is   two   main   explanations   the   first
            another   world   other   than   ours?   Or   there   is   other
                                                                 related   to   the   idea   of   the   parallel   universe,   the
            people   living   in   another   place  that   we  don  ’t  see?
                                                              studies  confirm  that  there  is  other  worlds  parallel
            Of course these questions have crossed our minds
                                                              to   our   world   in   different   time   dimensions   for
            but   the   most   important   question   is   whether   it  ’s
                                                              example:   the   second  world   war   finished   with  the
            reality   or   fiction?   In   the   last   period,   a   lot   of
                                                              victory of the allied countries on the axis, may be
            people heard about the Mandela effect but what is
                                                              in   another   parallel   world   end  with  the   victory   of
            this   thing,   is   that   real   or   just   a   joke?   This
                                                              the  axis  not  the  allied        countries,   also   dinosaurs
            phenomenon was named so in relation to (Nilsson
                                                              may   not   have   gone   extinct   in   another   parallel
            Mandela)   who  ’s   considered   the   first   black
            president  to                   South  Africa   and   before   this   he
            was   a                        famous   politician   known   by   the
                                                              The   idea   of   parallel   world   depends   on   that   the
            revolution against the racism.                    events which happen in our world may happen in
                                                              these   worlds   with   different   details   and   ends,  but
            Nilsson Mandela stayed in the prison for 27 years  what  ’s  the  relation  between  this  and  the  Mandela
            until   he   got   his   freedom   in   1990   and   he   became  effect?
                                                              There   is   a   laboratory   called   (Cern)   fall   on   the
            the  president  of  South  Africa  in  1994  and  he  won
                                                              boundaries between  France and Switzerland , it  ’s
            the  Nobel  prize     for  peace  in  1993  and   he   died  in
                                                              a   laboratory   to   conduct   physical   experiments
            2013   but   his   death   caused   big   controversy   at   the
                                                              specially related to the energy      and the atom, it
            global   level,   many   people   around   the   world
                                                              created   in   1952,   CERN                                                   collider
            confirm  that   he   was   dead  in   1980s   but   in  fact   he
                                                              considered   as   the  world  ’s  largest                            particle
            died   in  2013,  this   matter                             doesn  ’t   stop   on
                                                              accelerator   as   it   uses   a   large   amount   of   energy
            Nilsson Mandela,
                                                              for collisions between the atom protons,
            for   example:   the   famous   cow   (la   vache   qui   rit)
                                                              the   scientist   explain   the   phenomena   of   Mandela
            many  people  remember   that  the  cow  wears  a  ring
                                                              effect   which   appeared   for   the   first   time   in   2010
            on  her  nose   but   if   we   look   to  the   picture  we   will
                                                              because   this   experiments   which   begun   in   2008,
            find   that   the   cow   wears   just   a   ring   on   her   ears,
                                                              because   of   this   explosions   and   collisions   a   gap
            also   there   is   the   cartoon   character   (picatcho)   the
                                                              happened   led   to   an   overlap   between   our   world
            majority  of  people  remember   that  there   is   a  black
                                                              and   the   parallel  world,   may   be   Nilsson   Mandela
            part its tail but in fact there is no black colour   and
                                                              died   in   our   world   in   the   eighties   and   in   another
            it ’s all yellow.
                                                              world   died   in   2013   but   as   a   result   of   that
            What is the real explanation for all that
                                                              exchange sort of change happened in the events
            happens?   The   scientists   disagree   about   the
            explanation of this phenomena
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