Page 44 - Issue-24-fr
P. 44

T  A   S  N   I  M   E

                                                                                 E  L  -  N  A  S  H    A  R
                   “WHAT WE KNOW IS BETTER THAN WHAT

                                           WE DON’T KNOW”

           The   universe  is  changing.  The  earth  is  changing.   The   world   is  This   character   minimizes   the   bad   things   or   pretends   that   it
          changing.   Material   and   moral   things   are   also   changing.   We  doesn  ’ t  exist  just  because  there  is  only  one  positive  thing  in  this
          change, but we rarely like to change.               place   and   the   disaster   is   that   the   positive   thing   is   an   illusion
          Sometimes change represents for us a strong
                                                              doesn  ’ t   exist   but   she   is   the   one   who   chose   to   believe   in   his
          enemy that cannot be overcome, we are afraid of change, afraid
                                                              existence   so   that   there   is   a   justification   for   her   to   accept   the
          of   the   unknown,   afraid   of   the  idea   of  replacing  a  situation   we
                                                              harm and pressure of this thing.
          are used to, afraid of trying something new and we always stick  Unfortunately,   the   fate   of   this   character   is   often   the   constant
          to   the   saying   "what   we   know   is   better   than   what   we   don  ’ t
                                                              suffering,   as   she   always   feels   unstable   without   knowing   the
          know" while most of the time what we don  ’ t not know becomes
          better.   What   we  do  not  know   is  salvation   and   is   the  necessary

          new   beginning.   Psychologists   agree   that   change   is   important  Moving   to   the   second   character,   which   uses   the   concept   of
          and   essential   in   our   lives   and   that   it   is   good   for   our   mental
                                                              change   in   small   things   without   big   and   fateful   she   is   ready  to
                                                              bear  the  consequences  of   a  simple  change   such   as  trying  a  new

                                                              taste   of   ice   cream   and   if   she   doesn't   like   it   the   maximum
          The   change   here   is   about   replacing   anything   with   something  punishment   and   bad   result   would   be  that  this  taste  is  bad  and
          else,   changing   situations,   changing   the   way   of   thinking,
                                                              she   won  ’ t   try   it   again   but   she   won  ’t   be   able   to   end   her
          changing workplaces and areas, changing the field of study, but
                                                              relationship  with  one   of  her  friends  for  fear   of   not   finding   like
          what  is  important  is  to  be   at  all  our  own  will  and   awareness  to
                                                              him  as  if  he  was   the   last  piece  in  this  life.    This character is like
          be   the   one   who   understood   the   current   situation   and   that   we  a   person   who   resorts  to   analgesics,   she   uses   what   is   caused   by
          want   to   replace   it   with   others   and   not   that   change   has   been
                                                              the   simple   change   in   herself   because   she   doesn  ’ t   want   to   face
          imposed on us and we have no choice but to accept it. Change is
                                                              her   need   for   radical   change   and   often   the   situation   worsens
          required   in   every   big   and   small   thing   in   life,   required   in   all
                                                              with   time   and   requires   change  but   with   greater   consequences
          respects and areas.                                 and losses.   Finally   the  third  character,  who  can  overcome   her  fears
                                                              about  the   unknown,  can   realize   that  nothing  is  the   last   piece  of  his
          We are in front of three types of characters and their  kind   and   that   there  is  always  the   best,  is  the   one  who   realized   that
          relationship   to   change,   there   are   those   who   refuse   to   change,  we   are  here  in  this  life   to   change   either   to   choose   the  right  choice
                                                              and   being   happy   or   to   choose   the   bad   one   that   would   help   us   to
          and   those   who   accept   it   in   small   things   only   without   the   big,
                                                              learn  and  increase  our  experiences,   psychologists   see  that  this  kind
          and finally those who have the
                                                              of  people  cannot   bear  a  situation  that   doesn  ’ t  like  him  or  hurt  him,
          courage  to   stand  at  any  moment  in  their  life   and  in   the  face  of
                                                              he  immediately   realizes  and   always   be  ready  to  accept   the  idea   of
          any   situation  he  doesn  ’ t   like   and  say  "I   must  now  look   for   the
                                                              changing  it.  It  is  often  advanced  by  steps,  prepared  for  any  renewal
          best".   Each   one   of   them   has   his   convictions   and   his   point   of
                                                              and surprise. /We are a combination of the three characters
          view,   but   not   all   of   them   are   willing   to   see   life   from   another
                                                              and  it   isn  ’t  unusual  to  be  in   a   period  belonging  to  the   first  type  and
          point   of   view   The   first   character   is   the   routine   personality,
                                                              another   for   the   third   type  putting   in   consideration  the   surrounding
          which   doesn  ’ t  accept   change   and   even   afraid  of     it,  hasn  ’ t  yet
                                                              environment and
          reached   its  importance  and  its   charming   influence   in  the   most
                                                              circumstances, but we tend most of the time to one of them.
          delicate  things,  is  afraid  of   the  unknown,   to   try   something  new
          and fail, to lose what she has now without the certainty that she
                                                              All of this is on a personal or micro-level,
          will  find  the  best.  She  refuses  to  try  something  else  just  because
                                                              but  it  also  turns  on  the  collective  movement  and  the  macro   level   of
          she   isn  ’ t   used  to   it,   such   as   trying  a  recipe  she  used   to,   but   in
                                                              social, political and economic life, since most people fear of change
          another   cooking   way,   she   refuses   to   change   the   d  écor   of   her  until  they   aren  ’ t  interested   or  demand  a   change   in   the  systems  and
                                                              routines of political life, what we have to know is that change in the
          home   or   change   the   places   of   two   things   with   each   other   and
                                                              government system is important and that it is no less important than
          therefore   it  won  ’t  be  strange   on   the  professional  level  to  refuse
                                                              any change in individual and personal life.
          to   change   the   field   of   work  even   if   she   doesn  ’t   feel   completely
                                                              What   we   really  have  to  know  is  that   "what  we  don  ’ t  know  may  be
          comfortable or even change the place of work itself.
                                                              much better than what we know."
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