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18                                       Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020                          ELITE

                  Prepared by:   The life of youth coaches (interview                     Written by:
                   Farah Islam       with promising football coach                       Mirna Ossama

                                                    Bola Atta)

               In  an  online  interview  held  on  July  23  with  - Why did you specifically choose Great Britain?
               one  of  the  people  who,  despite  being   Was your inability to travel frustrating or was
               enrolled  in  the  Faculty  of  Commerce,  was  a stronger motivation to reach your goal?
               very   passionate   about   football   and         At  the  beginning  it  was  very  frustrating
               everything  related  to  it,  thus,  he  made  his  especially  since  it  encountered  the  health
               own  path  towards  his  passion.  He  started  conditions  that  I  was  going  through  but  I
               studying  football  training  and  worked  in,  benefited  a  lot  because  it  made  me  able  to
               too, in addition he worked as a performance  define  my  goal  and  the  way  to  follow,  which
               analyst in several companies and ended up    was  of  course  positive.  After  high  school,  I
               working  in  the  Spanish  company  “Total   moved  to  writing,  creating  my  own  “koora
               football  analysis”  which  deals  with  all  magazine”    page    where     I    published
               sports but he has chosen to specialize in the  performance  analysis.  The  latter  has  grown  a
               field of football; Bola Atta.                lot,  reaching  fifty  thousand  subscribers.  And
               And the dialogue was held as follows ...     thanks  to  this  page,  I  was  known  in  this

                                                            domain and started heading to bigger sites.
               -  When  did  you  first  become  passionate
               about  football  and  training?  Is  there  a  -  Was this page your own idea?
               family member or friend related to this area                  Yes,  it  was  my  own  idea  and  what  was
               that could motivate you?                     much  more  motivating  for  me  was  that  I  was
                   I started at prep age when I was fourteen;  working  with  someone  from  an  Arab  country
               I  tried  to  travel  to  the  UK  as  well  as  as a writer in a magazine, but due to his lack of
               contacting   a   county   in   the   English  acceptance  of  different  points  of  views,  many
               Federation  called  Derbyshire.  I  ended  up  conflicts arose
               being  able  to  figure  out  the  cost  of  the  between  us  which  prompted  me  to  leave  him
               training   and   how   to   register,   but  and create my own page, especially since I was
               unfortunately at that time it was difficult to
               travel there and what made it more difficult  hoping to do my own magazine project. Then I
                                                            started  to  implement  this  page  idea  with  one
               was  that  I  was  going  through  a  period  of
               health  problems.  I  started  to  learn  online  of my colleagues and we started to work hard
               and took part in training courses for young  until  we  reached  a  lot  of  followers,  but  after
               people   several   times   and   had   the   all  that  it  was  closed.  In  2017,  I  took  a  youth
               opportunity  to  become  a  sports  journalist  training  course  with  an  accredited  certificate
               on more than one site. My brother was the    from  a  Spanish  team  called  Extramadura
               person who motivated me the most and my      which  is  currently  second  class,  and  they  had
               uncle was an ex-football player.             an agent in Egypt; Marketing company.

                                           Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020
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