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19                                       Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020                          ELITE

             - What have you benefited from this training in the - Tell us a summary of your experience with the
             Extramadura team? And if you have the chance to performance    analysis   and   life   insurance
             repeat this experience, will you repeat it or reject company.
             it?                                                        At  first  the  company  approached  people  in
                         I  benefited  a  lot  from  this  course  especially September  2019,  I  applied  as  a  performance
             since  it  brought  two  of  the  greatest  speakers  of  analyst,  but  when  they  saw  my  previous  writing
             the  African  Union  to  that  time.  If  time  returns,  I  experiences,  they  made  me  write  on  the  site  for
             will  not  refuse  it,  on  the  contrary,  I  will  take  it four months. And it was, then I asked to work in
             again because it is the latter that opened the way performance analysis because of the experiences
             for  me  in  this  field,  where  I  worked  in  different  it  would  bring  me  in  my  field  as  a  coach.  And  it
             academies                                        was;  this  was  where  I  figured  out  how  to  do
             to train young people. I also obtained two training  statistics  and  match  reports,  which  helped  me  a
             diplomas from the Swiss Institute of Youth Sport in  lot in my thinking about match analysis. A month
             2018.                                            before  leaving  them,  I  decided  to  embark  on
                                                              writing in English, especially regarding the idea of
             - Do you think there is an organization in Egypt or      performance  analysis,  and  it  was,  because  I  was
             in  the  Arab  world  that  offers  certificates  at  the  working for the Spanish company “Total Football
             same level as the Swiss Sports Institute?        Analysis” where they analyze every league and all
                 I  don't  think  so,  because  of  the  scarcity  of  or most of the sports.
             scientific material.
                                                              - What do you think of performance analysts in
             - In your opinion, what is the difference between  Egypt?
             the field of training in Egypt and abroad?              There aren't many in Egypt, and most of them
                  The difference is mediation which has no place  are former football players who have experience
             abroad,  as  they  support  those  who  have  the  in this job. What usually happens is a description
             necessary  abilities  and  provide  them  with
             employment  opportunities,  and  this  is  what  I  of  the  match  rather  than  its  analysis.  For
             noticed when working with the Spaniards because  example, Ahmed Hossam Mido who is considered
             they  do  not  care  as  much  about  the  level  of  the  one  of  the  best  analysts,  and  we  find  that  the
             individual as they care about his passion degree. In  ideas  of  most  of  the  rest  are  somewhat
             2018 I also worked as an Arabic language freelance  superficial  because  they  care  about  the  form  of
             writer  on  the  Goal  site  and  started  working  as  a  the  team,  unlike  outsiders  who  care  about  the
             performance  analyst  with  a  fourth-class  team  small  details,  which  we  don't  find  in  Egyptian
             born in 1999.                                    performance analysts.

             - What was added to you while working at Goal?   - Which team in Egypt who has players capable of
                    It added a lot to me, especially since having a  dramatically  changing  the  performance  of  the
             big name like this site’s in your CV adds a lot to it,  Egyptian League and raising its level?
             in  addition,  it  taught  me  a  lot  and  added  to  me         The Pyramids team has made a big leap in the
             experience  and  knowledge.  Towards  the  end  of  field  of  football  in  addition  to  the  Wadi  Degla
             2018 and until July 2019 I stopped working in this  team,  which  has  a  strong  youth  sector  and  we
             field  until  I  returned  after  that  and  started also find the Enppi team, al mokaweloon al arabe
             working in the performance analysis company and and  Al  Ittihad  Alexandria,  but  for  that  we  can
             life  coverage  as  a  publisher  in  a  site  they  owned improve this area, we must pay more attention to
             until I could work there as a performance analyst the  scientific  aspect  and  move  away  from  the
             alongside my main job and left it last April due to superficial thinking.
             the Corona epidemic.

                                           Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020
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