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20                                       Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020                          ELITE

             -  Who  do  you  think  is  the  best  Egyptian  and  - What do you think of the field of training
             foreign coach over the past five years?           in  Egypt  over  the  past  five  years?  Has  it
                    The best Egyptian coach in the last five years  improved or worsened?
             is coach Talaat Youssef, who is the coach of Al        Currently, opportunities for new figures
             Ittihad  Alexandria,  he  has  a  fixed  philosophy  are  increasing,  in  the  past,  this  was
             that  he  adheres  to,  and  we  also  find  coach
             Mukhtar  Mukhtar,  the  coach  of  El  Entag  El  limited  to  a  certain  number  of  coaches.
             Harby team and the coach Emad Al-Nahhas, the      The  opportunities  have  multiplied  over
             coach of al mokaweloon al arab team. The best     the past five years due to the presence of
             foreign  coach  is  Patrice  Carteron  as  he  has  a  many  great  coaches  who  receive  large
             special thought during his training period for Al-  sums of money but in return they don't do
             Ahly,  where  he  took  them  to  the  African  final,  their  job  to  the  fullest  and  may  not  do  it
             despite  the  fact  that  the  team  was  going   at  all,  so  they  started  to  move  towards
             through  a  very  difficult  period  at  that  time.  In  new figures.
             addition to the boom in the attack carried out
             with them by the coach of the Pyramids.           -  What  do  you  propose  to  improve  the
             - What has your current job in the Spanish        and football field in Egypt?
             company Total football analysis brought you in          I  think  we  need  to  provide  study
             your field? From your perspective, how can you
             develop yourself to reach a higher level?         opportunities  for  those  who  have  a
                 This step helped me a lot in my field which,  passion  for  football  and  have  not  been
             before,  I  thought  superficially;  as  they  develop  able to play it, so that we do more training
             your way of thinking which was, for me, unique    and  seek  help  from  foreigners  to  pass
             and they also offer free training courses.        their  knowledge  and  expertise  to  us,
                                                               which  will  help  us  develop  the  field,  in
             -  After  all  this,  were  you  able  to  achieve  addition  to  the  interest  in  reading  and
             everything  you  wanted,  or  is  there  something  science.
             that you have not been able to achieve so far?
                   I see that I haven't accomplished anything so  -What do you recommend to someone who
             far and I aspire to be a technical director at the  likes to dive into this area?
             age  of  thirty-five  and  I  also  want  to  work  with           I advise him to try to travel abroad if
             coaches so that they see my potential.
                                                               it  is  possible  because  it  is  much  better,
                                                               but if he cannot, he must try to join a club
             - If you had the option of picking a specific club
             to work for, which one would you choose ?         and  start  playing  there  even  if  it  will  be
                  I want to work in a place that will give me a  for one year or two, and he still has to ask
             space to work, so if I choose in the youth sector,  technical questions and read a lot because
             I  hope  to  work  with  Wadi  Degla  because  it  is  he  will  benefit  a  lot,  in  addition  to  the
             interested in science and analysis.               interest  in  watching  the  matches  so  that
                                                               he can gain new ideas and experiences.

                                           Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020
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