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13                                       Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020                          ELITE

                      Writing ourselves out

                                                                    Nourhan Osama

                                                              d   the   greatness   of   our   wars,   and   we   opened   fortresses   and   coasts   from
       does  the  pen  pronounce  what      the   tongue   sometimes   can   not   pronounce
                                                              you,   and   destroyed    from   your   homes   of   the   late   and   early,   you   would
       it?,is      that   weakness   between  slipping  one   sentence   to   another?,   Or   does
                                                              have   bitten   your   fingers   of   remorse,   and   you   must   be   removed   by   the
       the   distances  between   the  tongue  and  the  mind   have  a   reason,  many   of   us
                                                              foot,   on  the   day   the   first   of   it   is   ours   and   the   end  of   it   to  you,There  are
       are   not   able   to   say   what  revolves   inside  himself,he   maybe   talk   a   lot  like
                                                              misunderstandings about you, {and those who do wrong will know which
       camels  in  useless  way,then  he  thought  that  this  assigned  tongue  is  invalid,
                                                              coup   they   overthrow},if   you   read   this   book,be   in   the    first   of   Surat   Al-
       unable to bring out those words who took the chest like a nest , or that this
                                                              Nahl:  {The  command  of  Allah   came,  so   do  not  hurry   it   },   and  be  on   the
       weight   is   rooted   in   his   hollows,   or   that   he   has   a   weirdness   from   his  last   of   surat   saad:   {and   you   will   know   his   new   after   a   while}   and   we
                                                              return   to  the  saying   of  allah,  and  allah   is  The  truest  sayers,’’few  category
       gender,   or   that  himself  also   does   not  want   to   tell   him   What  it      bears   and
                                                              overcoming   a   large   group   with   the   permission   of   Allah   and   Allah   with
       hide  from   him,   Or   that   the   words   were  stuck  in   his   lips   and   the   fact   that
                                                              the patients }, and to the saying of the wisemen:"The oppressor has death,
       the   eloquence   of  the   word  and   its    rhetoric  reaches  from   the   soul   a   place
                                                              and   your   injustice   will  kill   you,  and   to   the   affliction   will  upset   you"and
       and   taked   from   its   hurricanes,itschagrin,its   silence   and   its   thunder,   what
                                                              peace   on   you,   The   word   and   the   speech   also   affect   to   this   day,   and   the
       the  tongue  can’t  take  it  ,  so  that  it  make  the  fire  cold,  and  pure  that  getting
                                                              presidents   may   give   a   speech   that   changes   the   peoples   ’vims   and
       away   from   the   public   ,   and   remove   this   turbid,and   made   in   the   self
                                                              determinations   ,   such   as   the   President   of   Syria,   ShukriAl-Quwatli,   and
       Touching  between  the  heartbeat  and  tremor  of  the  body  which  means  The  what   he   has   spread   from   happiness   to   his   people   with   the   birth   of   the
                                                              Arab  project   of   1958   to  resist   Israel   and  the   restoration   of   lands,  and   the
       effect   is   that   it   has   reached   the   hideout   of   the   self   that   the   ropes   of   his
                                                              word   may   also  be  a   reason  for  the   survival   or  death  of  its  owner,   as   well
       thoughts   do   not   reach,it   rolls   a   tear  from   the   tears   of   his   quarry,  and   his
                                                              as    It   is   said   that   “killing   a   man   is   between   his   jaws”,   and   we   are   now
       heart  is  softened  until  he  overflows  from  the   excessive   calm   that   has  been
                                                              telling   you   a   story   that   many   have   heard   about   it   ,   which  is   the   story  of
       passed on, and this noise is cut  which wandered in the soul and lived in it,
                                                              Abu  al-Tayyibal-Mutanabbi,  Abu  Tayeb  was  known  for  the  virility  of  his
       and   that  restrained   energy  is  ceased  until   The   owner  kneels  on  his   knees
                                                              talent,   eloquence  of  his  tongue,  and   the  quality  of   his   pen,  And  he  grew
       and   takes   his  breath,  and  this   is  what   drives  the   kings  and   princes  to  take
                                                              up in the Abbasid period, in which the one who had the power during this
       tongues   for   them   to   be   answered   against   their   enemies,   and   refute   their  period,   the   country   sword   al-Hamdani   -   the   Prince   of   Aleppo   -   and
                                                               Mutanabi   started  to   approach   to  him   by   praising   and  elevating  him,      so
       deception,   and   instill   them   with   fear   and   intimidation,   and   the   first   of
                                                              that  the  state’s  sword  lavished  him   with   money  and   prizes,  and   when  the
       them is the message of Naqfour to Al-Rashid and his response to it :
                                                              problems   between   them   rose   and   the   gap   between   him   and   the   king
                                                              widened   due   to  the  hatred  of  the  court’s  poets  against   him,  in   addition  to
             “From  Nekvor,   king   of   the   Romans,   to   Aaron,   king   of   the   Arabs,   after
                                                              his  mentioning   in  his  poems  increasing   by  more  than  the   mention  of  the
       that ;  For   the   queen   who  was  before  me   established   you   as   a   rook  ,   and
                                                              state’s sword, and after  The problems reaching its peak between them, he
       established   herself   in   the   place   of   the  pawn,   so   she   brought   to  you   from
                                                              emigrated  to  Egypt  and  took   from  Kafoural-Akhshidi  his  new  god  to   his
       her  money  what  you  were  real  by   carrying  twice  as  much   as   it  is,  but  that  poems,   but   al-Akhshidi   did   not   pay   attention   to   him,   so   what   was
                                                              expected of him was that he would let his tongue as he did with the sword
       is   the   weakness   of  women   and   their   foolishness,   as   well   as   If   you      read
                                                              of   the   state,   and   he   would   talk   with   what   was   suitable   to   mention   and
       this   book   get   back   what   you   have   taken   from   her   money,   and   redeem
                                                              what   wasn’t   and   Al-Mutanabi   continued   in   this   insult   until   he   reached
       yourself   with   what   was   confiscated   for   you,      Otherwise,   the   sword   is
                                                              Dabba   Bin   YazidAl-Asadi   and   during   his   way   to   Kufa   ,   he   met   Daba’s
       between   us   and   you.   ”The   response   of   Prince   Aaron   was   eloquent   and
                                                              uncle   and   his   group,   and   when   he   wanted   to   escape   he   and   his   servant
       voluble   ,   which   does   not   contain   redundancy   and   does   not  take   it   in   the
                                                              muflih  .  He  reminded  him   by  the   famous  poetry,  horse,  night  and   bidah,
       seas  of  verbosity.  He  said:“  In  the  name  of  Allah  ,from  Aaron  the  price  of
                                                              And the sword, spear, stationery and pen, and clashed with them, until his
       the  Faithful  to  nekfor  of  the  Roman  dog.  ”  I  have  read  your  book,you  are  death,
                                                              All that is required of a journalist, writer, author, or even a poet
       the   son  of   the  infidel   ,   and   the   answer   is   what   you  see   without   what  you
                                                              To  intertwine  what  they  say  with  honesty,  it  is  one  of  the  most  prominent
       hear,  and   peace   »,  One  of  the  messages  that  the  history  shined  as of it      to
                                                              things that show to word meaning and relate to it , no matter how delicate
       this   day   is   the   message   of   Najm   al-Din   to   Louis   IX,   After   reading   what
                                                              or   rude   the   way,   thick  or   quiet,   what   you   need   to  reach  the   heart   of   the
       Louis had written to him, his eyes were filled with tears and he
                                                              listener   or  the   narrator   or   the   audience   is   to   speak   truthfully   whatever   it
       summoned   Judge   Bahaa   Al-Din   Zuhair   and   asked   him   to   write   what   he
                                                              takes,   all   you   have   to   do    To   respond   to   his   will,   and   your   words   will
       dictated  to  him  and  wrote  the  following’’after  that  your  message  has  been
                                                              overflow with the required emotion, and the feeling with which you reach
       arrived,and  you   threatened   by   your   lots   of  armies   and   numbers  of   heroes  your   audience,so   when   your   word   reach   to   the   desired   destination,don’t
                                                              hesitate about writing it,freedom for your pen and the honesty.
       ,and   we  are   the   owners  of   swords,  No   century   of   army  is   killed  from  us  ,
       but  we   renewed  it,  and  no  one  attacked   us,  except   we  destroyed   it,and  If
       your eyes saw -arrogant- the limit of our swords an
                                           Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020
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