Page 8 - Issue17
P. 8

issue    17
             March   2020


                           AM A MAN" CAMPAIGN

        Cairo : Aliyaa Assem

        In   cooperation  with  the   ministry  of   sports   and  yout  h  and  UN   women   ,The  National   council  for

        women   has   launched   the   activities   for   “Because   I   am   a   man  ”      awareness   campaign   on   24th
        February   that  encourages  males  to  support  females  i  n  their   lives  ,where  the   council  ’s   branch  in

        Cairo   has   started   spreading   awareness   about   the   cam  paign      which   was   previously   initiated   at
        faculty   of   Economics   and   Political   science   ,   Cairo   University      under   the   supervision   of   the
        University  ’s   chancellor   ,   Dr.   Muhammed   Othman   El   khosht   and   th  e   faculty  ’s   dean   ,   Dr.
        Mahmoud El Said .

        Dr.   Mahmoud  El   said   has  welcomed   the   council  ’s   representatives   in   Cairo   and   encouraged   the

        faculty  students   to   take  part  in  such  campaign  and   they   had  worked  at   the  University  ’s  campus
        on   spreading   the   awareness   about   the   campaign   and   i  ts   objectives   .   This   was   completely
        supervised   by   the   council  ’s   branch   in   Cairo   and      the   campaign   coordinator   ,   M  rs   .   Dalia   El

        Sanhoury who    ’s also the public relations officer at faculty of E  conomics and Political science.

        The  campaign   team   then  went  to  the   “El   Gezeira   Youth  Center  ”   where   there  were   two  football

        matches      ,the   first   was   between   Cairo   and   El   Qaluib  ya   Governorates   ,   and   the   second   was
        between  Cairo  and  Giza  governorates  .   Despite  the   b  ad  weather  conditions,  the  first  day  for  the
        campaign activities was a fruitful one and all part    icipated effectively.

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