Page 12 - Issue17
P. 12

issue    17
             March   2020
                           EGYPT IN THE ETHIOPIAN HERITAGE : A
                             STOCK OF HOLINESS AND DISTRUST

                                                                Geʽez   language   scholars   believe   contains   a   clear   confusion   between
                                                                mythological  and   historical   material.   Some  of   the  texts   formed   from
                         Dahlia   M.  Saad   El -Din
   PhD Student in the History Department, Institute of African  ancient Egyptian origin, the Old Testament and some Islamic sources,
   Research  and  Studies,  Cairo  University.  She  has  written,  as  well  as  the  Apocrypha.  The  Kebra  Negast,  described  how  the  Ark
   presented  and  published  a  number  of  papers,  as  well  as  of   the  Covenant  was  brought  to  Ethiopia,  and  how   Solomon  seduced
   the  book  "Ethiopia  :  Expansion  and  Establishment  of  the  Sheba,   Makeda;   the   Ethiopian   queen   who   replaced   what   Jews   and
   State"                                                       Muslims   have   been   widely   believed;   that   the   renowned   Queen   of
                                                                Sheba   was   actually   an   ancient   Queen   named   Belkis,   and   ruled   the
                                                                kingdom  of   ‘ Saba  ’ ,   that   has  been   an  ancient  kingdom  located   in  the
                                                                southwestern   corner   of   the   Arabian   Peninsula,   in   what   is   today

                                                                   The   Lord   willed   that   the   Ethiopian   queen   "Makeda"   visit   King
                                                                "Solomon"  in  Jerusalem;  she  married him  to  give  birth  to  him a son;
                                                                "Menelik   I"   who   has   grown   up   at   mother's   kingdom.   So   after   a
                                                                while,  "Menelik"   visited   his  father  the   king  "Solomon"   to  obtain  his
                                                                father's   blessed   and   to   baptise   him   by   the   holy   oil.   Nevertheless
                                                                "Menelik" stole the "Ark of the Covenant" and kidnap twelve priests
                                                                of the judges' sons, in order to establish the earthly "David kingdom"
                                                                in   Ethiopia.  The  legend  recounts  that  the  "Ark  of  the  Covenant"  has
                                                                been   flying   towards   Egypt   for   crossing   lands   to   reach   Ethiopia
                                                                speedily (see Map 1).

                                                                As   for   another   viewpoint   of   suspicion   and   trepidation,   those   have
                               Figure 1: 17th-century AD painting of "
                                                                been   related   by   medieval   events   of   religious   persecution   and   its
   Map 1: The geography of Menelik  ’s
                             Makeda" the Queen of Sheba from a church
                                                                shadows  on   political  matters;  since  such   era   was   the   Crusades!   E.g.
   route according to the Kebra Nagast
   with Jerusalem in Palestine and Msr
                             in Lalibela, Ethiopia and now in the National  by   the   thirteenth   century   small   Islamic   emirates   had   existed   in
      (translated to mean Egypt).
                                                                eastern  of   Ethiopian  Highlands.  As   since   Egypt   has  been  controlling
                                Museum of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa
                                                                world   trade   in   addition   to   the   Coptic   Church   of   St.   Mark   was   in
   Egypt   has   been   associated   at   Ethiopian   Folk   patrimony   with   two
                                                                Alexandria,   as   well   Egypt   was   a   confrontational   state   against   the
   contradictory   viewpoints:   one   of   which   is   holiness   and   gratitude,   and   the
                                                                Crusades.   Thus,   Egypt   considered   being   as   masters   for   those   small
   other  is  dominated by  feelings  of  doubt  and suspicion;  which  was  related  by
                                                                Islamic   emirates;   so   they   have   controlled   the   trade   routes   into   and
   religious   persecutions,   and   its   dire   social   and   economic   effects   resulting
                                                                from   the   Ethiopian   highlands.   Subsequently;   Ethiopian   kings   of
   from   the   wars   that   the   Ethiopian   society   has   been   suffered   from   during
                                                                Zagwe   dynasty  (1137:   1270  AC)  considers   that  Coptic  Church  has  to
   medieval  era.  An  as  long  time  ago;  Egypt  has  been  an  origin   of  passion  and
                                                                be   an   accomplice   with   the   Arab   governors   who   ruled   Egypt.   Or
   sanctification  of  Ethiopian  people;  due  to   both  Christianity  and  Islam  have
                                                                perhaps  such  authority  may  have  influenced  and   pressed  the  Church
   entered   Ethiopia   from   Egypt   through   Nubia's   medieval   kingdoms.   The
                                                                to   appoint   Egyptian   patriarchs   to   the   Ethiopian   Church   they   could
   Ethiopian   narrator  found  a   very   rich   source   of  inspiration   and   prophecies
                                                                exert   considerable   influence   on   Christian   Ethiopia,   as   it   was   the
   in: "Envoys will come from Egypt; Cush will submit herself to God" (Psalm
                                                                Coptic   Patriarchate   of   Alexandria   who   appointed   the  Bishop   of   the
   68:31);   that  Ethiopian   patrimony  considered  that   the  tow  Christian   Coptic
                                                                Ethiopian Church. Due to putting pressure on the Patriarch to ensure
   monastics  who  have   come  from  Egypt;   the  prodigies  figures   who   saved  the
                                                                that   the   interests   of   those   Somali   Islamic   emirates   merchants   were
   ancient  Kingdom   of  Kush/  Aksum  from  the  darkness  of   paganism.  As  well:
                                                                safeguarded in Ethiopia.
   "Cush   and  Egypt  were  her  boundless   strength;  Put   and  Libya  were  among

   her  allies"  (Nahum   3:9),  religious  nationalists  considered  it  a  prophecy  that
                                                                And   according   to   Al-Maqrizi   in   his   book   Al   Selouk   L  eme'refatt   Dewall   al-
   announces  the   domination  of   the  black  man's  rule  in   future,   after   eras  that
                                                                Melouk   (about   Mamluk   history   in   Egypt);   vol.   2,   1997  :   495-   496;   by   1321;
                                                                during   the   reign   of   Mamluk   sultan,   al-Nasir   Muhamma  d   ibn   Qalawun;   his
   white   man   has   lasted   ruled   that   world   had   been   suffered   during;   to   the
                                                                second  reign  (1299:   1309),  has   happened   persecution    of   the  Copts   Christians
   scourge   of  wars  and  the   spread  of   famines.  Also,  considered   as   a  prophecy
                                                                of   Egypt,   that   demolished   and   burned   many   churches.   In   response,   Amde
   of strength Africa that its salvation by unity.On the other hand,
                                                                Siyon   (1314:   1344   AC)   increased   the   military   campai  gns   against   the   Somali
                                                                emirates of the Horn of Africa.

   as well as Egypt and its people have associated by   the Holy Family's journey, as so
                                                                To   talk   about   Egypt   in   Ethiopian   folk   patrimony;   it   may   have
   it   linked   to   the   myth   of   the   transmission   of   the   ch  osen   people   into   Ethiopian
                                                                endlessly.   Whether   it   was   a   popular   heritage   in   which   the   myth
   instead  of   Israelis,   as   quite  well   the  Lord's   choic  e  of  the  founding  the   Solomonic
                                                                overlapped   with   the   superstition   in   narrating   the   events   of   the
   dynasty   ruling   Ethiopia   by   Divine  will.   According   t  o   the   Ethiopian   holy   book;
                                                                common  history  of  both  countries.  Or  an  official  history,  some  events
                                                                may  be  deliberately  have  been  dropped!  That  both  reality  and  future
   "K ëbra   Nagast/   the   Glory   of   Kings",   which   is   one   of   th  e   masterpieces   and
                                                                indicate   together   to   what   has   been   modified   or   cancelled   from   the
   magnificent Ethiopian popular literature.
                                                                historical  episodes   of   these   two  levels   of   narration.   In  the   history   of
   As   scholars   have   differed   in   its   formation's   time,   in   between   the   sixth   and
                                                                Deir   es-Sultan"   on   the   roof   of   the   Church   of   the  Holy   Sepulcher   in
   thirteenth   centuries   AD,   however,   most   of   the   schol  ars'   opinions   agreed   to
                                                                the   Holy   Land,   we   have   the   most   sincere   evidence.   However,   its
   approval that it has been written in the thirteenth   century.  reality  reflects   some   visions   of  suspicion  and   mistrust  towards  Egypt
                                                                in   the   Ethiopian   folklore   on   the   popular   level,   which   is   used   for
                                                                benefit of into the political field and level.

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