Page 13 - Issue17
P. 13

issue    17
             March   2020
  12                                                                                               ELITE

                                             A STATE OF EXCEPTION IN A

                                                 LIQUID MODERNITY : THE

                                                              SYRIAN CASE

                                    E  V  E  N  T     P  H  O  T  O  G  R  A  P  H  E  R     A  N  D     V  I  D  E  O  G  R  A  P  H  E  R
                                            Ahmed Shindy Ibrahim
                                            Assistant Lecturer, Political Science Dept. Misr Univreisty
                                             for Science and Technology

    The   contribution   of   the   famous   Italian   philosopher,     Giorgio  sovereignty,   and   any   attempt   to   resist   or   deviate   f  rom   this
    Agamben,   in   addressing  the   State   of   Exception   repre  sents   an  authority   is   a   defiance   to   sovereignty   and   its   arra  ngements,
    important   starting   point   in   the   interpretation   of   t  he   foretaste  hence   leads   to   civil   war,  which   is   an  extension   of   the   state  of
    and   outcomes   of   the   Syrian   crisis   situation.   He   pro  vides   an  exception   and   is   a   direct   response   from   the   state   t  o   these
    explanation   for   the   crimes   committed   by   whoever   has     the  internal conflicts.
    power;   especially   that  the   experience  of  the  state   of  exception
    (or a state of emergency) in southern countries ind  icates that it  Perhaps   the   division   of   views   trying   to   evaluate   th  e   Syrian
    can  not   be   canceled,   but  rather  legitimized,   and   to     become   a  situation   crisis   reflects   what         Agamben   refers   to,        that   the
    part   of  the  legal  system   and  political  practice,  wh  ere   the  state  state   of   exception   becomes   established   as   a   model   o  f
    of   civil   war   turns   into   a   natural   state,   and   the   ex  ceptional  governance   as   if   it   is   "   the   state   of   exception   app  ears   as   a
    becomes natural.                                          threshold   of   indeterminacy   between   democracy   and
                                                              absolutism.  ”      where   the   exception   becomes   the   legal
    The   state   of   the   exception   is   a   fundamental   pillar   to   the  framework   of  the   governance,   then  the   violence  and   the   state
    governance   in   the   Syrian   context,   as  the   Syrian   mod  ern   state  of   war   aims   to      maintain   the   legal   status   of   the   st  ate   of
    is   governed   by   the   emergency   law   launched   in   1962.   Since  exception,  as  it  is   justified  legal  violence   in   the     eyes  of  some,
    then,   this   law   has   become   a   main   instrument   for   the     public  and tyrannical violence criminalized in the eyes of   others.
    affairs   management   in   the  country,  and   a  perfect  re  flection   of
    the   sovereignty   in   the   state.   According   to   Karl   Sch  midt,   and  The   haziness   of   the   Syrian   scene   does   not   come   from     the
    Agamben  after   him,  it  is  the   sovereign  who   has   the   power  to  difficulty  of  vision  or  the  lack  of  clarity  in  the   practices  of  the
    approve   or   terminate   the   state   of   exception.   Also,   the   Syrian  Syrian  regime,  as   well   as  a  number  of  parties  conte  nding  with
    Party   “al-Baath  ”   taking   power   in  March   1963   influenced   the  it   towards   civilians,   but   rather   from   the   fragility     of   moral
    approval  of   the  emergency  Law.   As  well   as,   when   the     Syrian  judgment  on  these  practices.  In  a  modern  reality  ch  aracterized
    President   Bashar   al-Assad   emphasized,   on   March   2011  ,  by liquidity by the expression of Zigmont Baumann,   the liquid
    taking   steps   to   overthrow   The   emergency   law,   after   a   month  evil   wears   the   dress   of   goodness   and   represents   the     ethical
    of   ongoing   street  protests,  is  only  a  proof   that  th  e   ruler   is   the  practices  that   are  in  reality  ethics   without   morals  .  The  Syrian
    sovereign, with absolute power, where the individua  l becomes  regime  considers  that  its  battle   is  a   fatal  battle   to  survival,   the
    a   homo   sacer   of   this   power,   and   takes   citizenship   p  osition  survival   of  the   state  that  governs  the   exception,  i  n   the  face   of
    according to the level of his loyalty to the sovere  ignty.  any  party  that   wants  to  end  the   state   of  exception,     and   return
                                                              to   the   "natural"  that   became  in   its   understanding   e  xceptional
    With   the   outbreak   of   the   Syrian   revolution   in   March     2011,  in light of practices liquid evil .
    and  its  rapid  transformation  of   the  state  of   civil   war  in  a   form
    of   a   war   of   all   against   all   in   the   Hobbesian   specta  cle   par  Finally, it can be said that the liquid evil, which   represents the
    excellence,   it   appears   that   the   state   of   civil   war   represents   a  practices   of   the   exception   in   Syria,   is   beyond   lega  l   while
    direct   result   of   the  rule  of   the   state   of  exception     for   decades;  faking   morality   and   presents   itself   as   the   good   rea  lity,   and
    as   the  population  is   separated   and   owed   to   them   acc  ording  to  then   strips  the   humanity  of   its  dreams  and  alternat  ive   projects
    their   ideological,   ethnic   and   sectarian   proximity   f  rom   who  by the expression of Kafulls

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