Page 16 - Issue17
P. 16
issue 17
March 2020
The scrooge and me
*Yasmeen Yehia , Fourth Year Political Science Student
I have always believed that a person is the most of interpretation and research on the causes,
dangerous enemy of himself. A person may lock but rather by looking at it as a disease that kills
himself in a circle, whether this circle is realistic or its owner, in the series " Scrooge and me", the
is a fabric of his thoughts, and the circle I am author here did not mention the reason for
talking about now is the circle of miserliness. miserliness, and I believe that this gives way to
There is no doubt dear reader that you have the viewer to interpret according to his own
previously dealt with a person and called him the vision, but here I would like to present the
name "stingy". And with the same certainty, I can interpretation What I see closest is that
say for sure that you did not ask yourself why he stinginess is psychological, chaotic, irrational,
was stuck with miserliness ?? Although he is fully involuntary. It is closer to obsessions. There are
familiar with it and the way people see him !!! obsessions of acquisition, including
There are multiple causes, interpretations, and appropriation of money.
the result is the same. Whether the cause is
psychological or genetic, or even if you look at Speaking of the consequences, I can summon
miserliness as an acquired trait, the result is the the final scene when “Awad” - the miser - died
same and it is a stingy person. In this regard, I will over his money without spending or enjoying it.
focus on two different perspectives that I find With it, after he was paralyzed because of his
most attractive to them when dealing with the stinginess as well, as if the director had seen To
problem of miserliness: teach each lesson stingy that show him as a
result of his miserliness , has completed the
First: From Freud's perspective: funeral scene is a beautiful employ verses of the
Psychologists interpret many interpretations of Quran in a scene consolation: “You have come
miserliness, including what makes sense such as to Us individually, just as We created you the
nurturing within a stingy family, or fear of the first time, leaving behind you everything We
future, but Sigmund Freud has a different view of have provided you with. We do not see your
things, as the motive behind miserliness was intercessors with you—those you claimed were
attributed to early childhood, so the child feels your partners. The bonds between you are now
pleasure just to reserve stool, for two reasons, one severed, and what you had assumed has failed
of which is biological Neurosensory stimuli in the you.”
anus, which cause this feeling of pleasure, and the
other myself due to the rewards and moral that In the end, I would like to leave you with these
the parents give to their child when stool is questions, dear reader: What is the dividing line
reserved, and the matter does not stop at this between saving and miserliness? Is there an
stage, but moves to the physical things and ideal mechanism for dealing with miser? Is
emotions later, and the seriousness of the matter stinginess a disease or is it Willing behavior?
is that it produces an individual often Sadie, And if it definitely affects the relationships of
hostile and has a constant sense of insecurity. individuals, does it affect the relations of
countries? What is your guide in answering
Second: From a dramatic perspective: these questions?
Here, we will not deal with the matter in terms
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