Page 4 - Issue17
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issue    17
             March   2020

              Everything we learned in FEPS accompanies us in

                                                all occasions

   where   the   female   students   had   a   role   in   spreading   awareness   for  he   doesn't   give   importance   to   trivial   breaches   and   works   on   peaceful
   birth-control and the young men filled the lakes that spread all over  resolutions  of  conflicts,  especially  with   the  motto  of  "African  Problems
   the   country.   She   recalled   her   visit   to   Sofia   in   Bulgaria   in   1968  have   African   resolutions,"   where   mediums   of   mediation   play   an
   among   a   group   of   the   faculty   students,   to   represent   Egypt   in   the  important role in resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner.
   World   Youth   Festival,   and   how   the   Egyptian   Youth   were  ● What do you think about the situation of Women in Egypt at the time
   cheerfully   received   there   that   is   because   the   Egyptian   youth   was  being?
   globally   renowned   for   abiding   by   the   Socialist   ideals   at   the   time,  -   With   President   Sisi   in   power   women   have   reached   distinguished
   and  also   the   Egyptian  youth   representation  in  the  25th  anniversary  positions,   where   a   young   lady   became   the   President   of   the   National
   of the United Nations, during her studies among other students like  Council  of   Woman  and   an  increased  number   of   women  in  the   cabinet.
   Professor  Ahmed  Youssef,  and  the  interest  in  the   Palestinian  cause  The  interest   in  securing   women  with  their  political  and  social  rights.   In
   among faculty students.                                  addition   to   that,   the   education   of   girls   increased,   they   are   granted
   -   In  this   context,   Dr.   Mostafa   added  that   due   to   the   impact   of   the  vacations  for   pregnant  working  women,  and   also  they  are  given   jobs  as
   Nasserist   ideas   and   the   Youth   organization   that   grew   within   the  accompanying   wives   which   is   considered   a   huge   improvement   in   the
   faculty,   he  learned   to   accept   other  cultures   without  any  fanaticism  situation of the Egyptian Woman.
   where   many   of   us   and  our   professors   like   Dr.   Hamed   Rabei   have  ●     Dr.   Mostafa,   can   you   describe   the  current   situation  of   the   Political
   impacted  the  political   events   at  the  time,   and   even   when  I  worked  Economy?
   for   40   years   in   the   Saudi  Embassy   I   never   abandoned   my  nationa  l  - From the point of view of Egyptians living abroad, we see the number
   identity that was inculcated in our generation.          of   infrastructure   projects   that   are   implemented   along   with   the   Suez
   ●     Madame   Soaad,   Who   were   the   most   influential   professors   in  Canal   extension   project   and   the   military   industries   that   have   been   a
   your academic career?                                    parallel   economy   since   Nasser's   era,   we   should   also   note   how   global
   -      All   the  professors  have   helped   me   greatly,  the   most  influential  indicators and world .
   are  Dr.  Zaki   Shafei,   Dr.   FathAllah   El   Khateeb,   Dr.   Mohei  ElDeen  journalism   praises   the   Egyptian   Economy   and   its   progress.   Where   we
   El   Ghareeb,   Mostafa   El   Saeed,   Dr.   Riad   El   Sheikh,   Dr.   Botros  have  to  work  in  raising  the  Gross  Domestic   Product  and  increase  in  the
   Ghali,  Dr.  Hamed  Rabei,  Dr.   AbdelMalek  Ouda,   and  Dr.   Refaat  El  exports  in  which  the  Egyptian  products  that  goes  to  Europe  is  of   a  very
   Mahgoub.                                                 high quality, as a result the Egyptian Economy has improved in general.
   ●     What   do   you   think   the   biggest   challenges   that  face   Egypt  and  -   Madame   Soaad   added:   The   new   health   insurance   system   should   be
   Africa in the meantime?                                  generalized   in   all   the   country   along   with   all   the   important   gestures
   -   Africa   is  of   great  importance,   even   at   the   era   of   Nasser   through  implemented like the recent Campaign of "100 Million Seha."
   whuch   Egypt   hosted   the   liberation   leaders   who   were   honored   by
   Nasser   himself,   and   also   during   this   time   the   African   Union   was  ●   What   advice  do   you  give   to   the  students   of  the  Faculty  that   want  to
   established   which   shows   the   strong   base   of   relations   between  join the diplomatic corp?
   Egypt and Africa. On the other hand, the Renaissance Dam crisis is  -   They   should   learn   languages,   read   a   lot,   broaden   their   horizons   and
   a   result   to   the   cut   off   of   relations  between   Egypt   and   Africa  ever  open  up   to   the   world,   and   always  acknowledge   that  Egypt   is   the  centre
   since   the   suicide   attempt   of   President   Mubarak   in   Addis   Ababa,  of   the   world,   with   the   study   of   the   other   cultures   to   gain   more
   followed   by   the   disturbed   relations   post   revolution   and   the  experiences   that   enables   them   to   place   good   judgements   on   different
   shameful  way  President   Morsi  delt  with  the  manner,  Nevertheless,  situations.
   President Sisi is making outstanding efforts in the manner, where

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