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ELITE                              ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 5



  •   You   are   known   for   your   support   of   women,  • How do you evaluate the domestic political situat  ion especially
                                                           in the midst of the growing tensions in the region?
  whether   it   is   by   your   membership   in   the   National

  Council   for   Women   or   by   the   focus   of   Baseera   in
                                                           - The political situation is enhancing but in a slo  w pace, and for that
  women   related  issues,  howdo   you  describe   the  status
                                                           we   should   walk   with   better   performance   to   reverse   t  he   past
  of the Women in Egypt in the current time?
                                                           corruptions, where the situation in the past few ye  ars has been better

                                                           than   the   past   5   years.   Looking   at   the   regional   situ  ation,   it   can   be
  -   In  the  current   time,   there  is   no  education   gap   between
                                                           described  as   being  very   complicated,  and   it   poses   a     direct   threat  to
  the   genders   in   Egypt,   which   is   great,   nevertheless,the
                                                           Egypt   especially   in   the   middle   of   opting   for   an   eco  nomic
  bigger   problem   is   related   to   employment   opportunities
  ahead   of   Women  where   men  are  preferred  over  women

  in getting jobs because of Women's conditions of related
                                                           •  Finally,  what   is  your   advice  for  the  students  of   the  Faculty  of
                                                           Economics and Political Sciences?
  to   housework   especially   that   all   the  statistics   show   that

  the   working   woman   gives  the  same  amount  of  attention
                                                           - The Faculty provides a lot of various experiences   to students and I
  to her house as any other housewife, and so the working
                                                           encourage college students to read in subjects othe  r than that of their
  woman   needs   more   facilities   to   help   her   balance
                                                           major,  as   this   would  broaden   their  minds,  and   shoul  d  keep   in   their
  between her career and her house, like the availability of
                                                           minds   that   many   of   the   currently   available   occupati  ons   will   soon
  nurseries   near  her   house.   There   is  a   study  by   the  World
                                                           disappear, and so they should develop their skills   to cope up with the
  Bank   that   calculates   the   negative   effects   of   gender
                                                           age  of   technology   and   "smart"  jobs   that   are   growing    in  a   very  fast
  inequality   in   employment,   and   Egypt   ranks   at   29   in
                                                           pace, with the inability of the older generations t  o cope with, and so it
  gender   inequality   which   is   a  sign   of   the   cultural   aspect
                                                           is   up   to   the   younger   generations   to   unchain   themsel  ves   from   the
  of this inequality.
                                                           ideological control of the older generation and cop  e with the changes
                                                           of the era.

  In   the   political   realm,   however,   Women   has   gained
                                                           ELITE   team   thanked   Prof.   Osman   for   his   hospatitlity     and   took
  more   privileges   as   the   number   of   women   ministers
                                                           photos   comemoraring   such   a   unique   occasion   together     and   in   turn
  increased   and  are   holding  very   important  cases   at  hand,
                                                           Prof. Osman offered ELITE team samples for Baseera   reseacrch
  we  can  say  that  the  state  is  walking  in  the  right  path   but

  is walking slowly, and should walk faster.

            ELITE                             ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 5
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