Page 10 - Issue-16
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ELITE                        ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                  PAGE 9

                                            FEPS BUSINESS INCUBATOR FOUNDER & CEO DR

                                            HEBA ZAKI SHARES HER INSIGHTS WITH ELITE
                                                           THE FUTURE OF


                                             BETWEEN DEVELOPMENTAL

                                              LEAPS AND FAKE PROJECTS

                                                 TRANSLATED TO ENGLISH BY : JASMINE NABIL

                                           With   an  increasing  importance  being  put  on  entrepre  neurship   as  one
                                           of   the   locomotives   of   growth   and   a   core   engine   of   s  ustainable
                                           development;  increasing  importance  is   also  put  on   t  he   assessment  of
                                           the   current   entrepreneurial   environment   and   its   out  puts   that   can
                                           stimulate   innovative   start-ups.   However,   not  all   pr  ojects   possess  the
                                           necessary features for growth and sustainability.
                                           The  experiences   of   numerous  rising   economies;   in   So  uth-East   Asia,
                                           Latin   America   and   Eastern   Europe,   has   proventhat   su  pporting   the
                                           entrepreneurial   environment   and   encouraging   innovat  ive   start-ups,
                                           that   can   come   up   with   suitable   remedies   for   their   e  conomic   and
                                           social problems,has enabled them to overcome many o  f the structural
                                           problems   plaguing   their   economies.   Such   problems   va  ried   between
                                           increasing   unemployment   rates,   decelerating   rates   o  f   economic
                                           growth,   scarcity   of   recourses   when   compared   to   the   population
                                           growth rates, and finally increasing poverty rates.

                                           Comprehensive   plans   have   been   adopted   by   these   coun  tries   to
                                           support   the   entrepreneurial   environment.   Most   impor  tantly,   micro
                                           financing   of   start-ups   through   a   system   of   financia  l   institutions
                                           specialised   in   small   and   micro   enterprises.   Such   pl  ans   took   into
                                           consideration   the   special   nature   of   these   projects   especially   when   it

                                           comes   to  the  lack   of   prior   experiences   as   well   as   t  heir  small   capital
                                           size.   This  nature  can  accordingly  decrease  the   appe  al   of  the  projects
                                           in   the   eyes   of   large   financial   institutions   and   Com  mercial   and
                                           investment   banks.   The   plans   also   included   the   creat  ion   of   advisory
                                           bodies   to   provide   technical   and   consultative   servic  es   to   the
                                           enterprises   to   help   them   develop   their   business   mod  els   and   ensure
                                           their   market   continuity.   All   this   went   side   by   side     with   the
                                           introduction   of   laws   that   facilitate   the   establishm  ent   of   small   and
                                           micro   enterprises   as   well   as   providing   financial,   i  nsurance   and   tax
                                           incentives.   In   order   to   guarantee   their   sustainabil  ity,   the   plans
                                           tackled   the   development   of   the   technological   enviro  nment   and   the
                                           digitisation of the projects.

           ELITE                        ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                 PAGE 10
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