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ELITE                              ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 4

              Without                         •   You   always   call   for   the   importance   of   Freedom   of   Information   Access,   how   can
        opinion polls                         this   freedom   be  maintained   with   a  governmental   comp mobile network market?  market,
                                              the internet market and a strong competitor in the
         no adequate                            -   If   we   look   at   the   constitution,   we   will   find   that     it   guarantees   the   right   to   citizen
              decision                        ownership  of   information,   so   we  must   view  the   owner  ship   of  information   as   a   principal
          making can                          more than it is a tool.

                 occur                        • We are celebrating the ninth anniversary of the r  evolution this month, how do you
                                              evaluate the January revolution and its outcomes?
                                              -  At  the  beginning,   the  revolution  was  very  inspira  tional  and  fascinating   both   inside  and
                                              outside  of  Egypt,  but  after  a  while  other  agendas  s  tarted  to  override   the  revolution   and  so
                                              we  can   learn   from  this  experience,   is   that  any  revo  lution   should   have   a   solid  thought   to
                                              abide by so that other factions wouldn't take over   it.
                                              Nevertheless, the revolution had many positive outc  omes, where it proved that there is no
                                              one  who  can  get  through  his  wrongful  deeds  regardle  ss  of  his  history  like  what  happened
                                              to   former   president   Mohamed   Hosni   Mubarak,   it   also   encouraged   the   freedom   of
                                              expression  for  individuals   and  also   was  a  reason  to    our  current  constitution,   but  it  is  also
                                              important to note that people should understand tha  t there are other ways to reach change
                                              other than protests, as revolutions have high costs  .

                                              •   What   is   your   evaluation   for   the   population   crisis     after   the   recent  decrease  in   the
                                              degree of population growth?
                                              -   The   Egyptian   Population   increased   by   40%   from   200  6   to   2012,   and   to   state   that   the
                                              population growth had decreased should could be val  id when on growth rate returns to be
                                              equal  to  the  rate   before  2006,   other  than   the   that,    the  decrease  in   the   population  growth
                                              rate  is   small,  because  the  growth  in  the  population    this  year  reached  2  and  a  half   million
                                              people   and   this   rate   can   be   managed   to   be   only   2   mi  llion   people,   then   it   would   be
                                              considered   to   be  a  breakthrough  in   itself,   I've   wri  tten  many  articles  in   this   regard   titled,
                                              "Collective   Suicide,"   as   I   think   that   the   issue   is   not   dealt   with   seriously   where   each
                                              ministry blames the other for the proliferation of   the problem.

                                              •   Building  on   the   previous   point,   there   has   been  ta  lks  about  the  negative   social  side
                                              effects  of  the   reform  program  regarding  the   middle   class   and  poverty  rates,  what  is
                                              your opinion about this?
                                              - The economic reform program is an important step,   and it should've been pursued many
                                              years   ago,   that   is   why   the   costs   are   this   high,   whi  ch   we   see   in   the   short   term,   but   its
                                              benefits  will  be  visible  in  the  long  and  medium   ter  ms,  the  costs  of   the   economic   reform
                                              program  was  faced   in   the   whole   world,  with  the  lowe  r  class   suffering  the   most  of   these
                                              costs,   especially   with   policies   of   lifting   subsidie  s   from   the   petrol   prices,   that   mostly
                                              benefited  the  rich,  where  the  government  had  benefi  ted  a  lot  of  money   that  was  spent  on
                                              the   rich   class,   and   tries   to   reallocate   the   subsidi  es   in   order   tobenefit   the   poor,   but   this
                                              process   needs   more   focus   on   treating   other   aspects,     and   so   although   poverty   rates   are
                                              expected to rise in the short term but it will have   fruits in the medium and long terms.

                                              •   You  have  developed  a   new  social  justice  index  in   which  Egypt  has  scored  2.28  out
                                              of 10; tell us more about this index.
                                              -  The  social  justice  index  measures  to  what   extent   are  their   equal  opportunities  available
                                              for   all   citizens   especially   those   with   disabilities  ,   the   ratios   also   show   that   most   of   the
                                              beneficiaries  of   the   free   university   education   syst  em  are  from   the  top   class,   and   so   there
                                              should   be   other   systems   that   are   targeted   to   suppor  t   the   poorer   families   in   order   to
                                              achieve  real  social  justice  these  systems   will  be  m  ost  effective  in  the   education  field,  and
                                              also   in   the   internet   infrastructure,   where   providin  g   fast   internet   access   to   Egyptian
                                              villages   will   make  it   possible  for   the   locals   to  be  tter  advertise   for   their  products  online,
                                              which will raise their status, also we should work   more on the health sector that is mainly
                                              used by higher classes in the society.

            ELITE                             ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 4
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