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ELITE                              ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 3

                    our editors (from left) Rana Doss, Ramy Magdy and Carolin Sherief

       JAN#25                was             surely         fact in the political, economic, or even sports rea  lm, to be sent via the mail where

       revolutionary  but  taught                           we reached 40,000 subscribers on the email free ser  vice and also via the SMS as a
       us        that          change             has       paid service, reaching 50,000 subscribers, we have   currently expanded the reach of
                                                            "A number in our lives," to 8 Arab countries.
       diverse ways
                                                            In   addition   to   this   project   we   also   launched   a   smar  t   phone   application   called:
                                                            "Nes'allak," where citizens can access the results   of some surveys and at the same
    who  to  vote  for,   this  miscalculation  affected  the  view  of  the  people
                                                            time they can answer some questions. I hope that we   can expand our reach to all
    about  the  survey  center,  when   Mohamed  Morsi   got   the   most  votes
                                                            the Arab World as I thought we should train academi  cs to conduct surveys in Arab
    and   was   in   the   second   round   of   election   against   Ahmed   Shafik
                                                            States   specially   in   the  case   of   the  latest  protests     in  Algeria   and   Sudan,  where   I
    especially   that   the   Muslim   Brotherhood   played   a   smart   strategy
                                                            established   a  survey  center  in  Sudan  called   "Idrak,  "  that   succeeded   there   and   is
    with   the   spread   of   supporters   for   their   candidate   all   over   the
                                                            considered an important step to strengthen the comm  unication and the diplomatic
                                                            relations between Egypt and Sudan.

    If   we   look   into   the   cases   of   countries   with   a   history   in   survey
                                                            •   Egypt   Telecommunications   or   "We,"   is   the   biggest   communication
    centers like the United States of America, more recently in the 2016
                                                            company in Egypt, how do you evaluate its entrance   into the mobile networks
    elections  between   Donald  Trump   and  Hillary   Clinton,   we   see  that
                                                            market and what can this company add to its informa  tion technology?
    Clinton's   campaign   used   the   media   to   influence   pollsters   and

    shamed   Trump  voters   to   announce  their  intentions   to   vote  for  him,
                                                            - Egypt Telecommunications is a state-run company a  nd it is the first company that
    which   made   the   final   election   win   completely   different   from   that
                                                            introduced the land line in Egypt, and in the 90s d  uring the economic reformation it
    predicted by pollsters that favored the win of Hillary Clinton.
                                                            turned   from   being   a  public   company  to  offering  20%   of   its   bonds   in   the  stock
                                                            exchange market, with 80% of its bonds to the state  , and from my point of view,
                                                            the   company   is  achieving  a  very  good  job  as  it  is  t  he   second  public  company  in
    At   the   same   time,   the   results   of   surveys   are   eye   opening   to   the
                                                            achieving revenues after the Suez Canal Bank, and o  n getting a mobile networks
    government,   as   they  are   different   from   the   view   of  the   public,   for
                                                            license,   this   opened   the   path   for   the   other   network  s   to   offer   land   line   services,
    that,   I   contacted   Prime   Minister   Ahmed   Nazif   with   the   survey
                                                            which   led   to   a   complete   competition   between   the   com  munication   companies
    results   and   he  presented   them   in   front  of   the   Council  of   Ministers,
                                                            which benefits the country.
    that   is   why   at   the   time   when   Ahmed   Shafik   was   the   Minister   of
                                                            From   my   point  of   view,   Egypt   telecommunications   is   a   successful   experience,
    Aviation   he   used   the   survey   results   that   I   gathered   to   help   him   in
                                                            where it is filled with important cadres, with a bo  ard that consists of very important
    his   work,   and   he   nominated   me   to   be   the   Minister   of
                                                            figures of the society, and so it is a very crucial   experience in the communication
    Communication after the 2011 revolution.
                                                            field, especially when it is the only Egyptian mobi  le network in the market where

                                                            the other three companies are foreign.
    I wanted Baseera to introduce information to the public and not just
                                                            As a matter of fact, Communication industry is esse  ntial to national security, where
    to be contained to investigations, so we started to work on a project
                                                            it   would   be   more   convenient   that   a   national   network     company   that   runs   the
    called: "A number in our lives," where a number that is related to a
                                                            important   government   information   instead   of   a   forei  gn   company,  in  addition   to

                                                            that,   the   national   communication   companies   play   an   important   role   in   the

                                                            developmental processes primarily through the inter  net, like in the education field,
                                                            the   industrial  and  investment  fields  and  so,   the  mo  bile   network  company  has  an
                                                            added   value   through   its  development   of   the   infrastr  ucture  by  spreading   internet
                                                            services to all the country, opposed to foreign com  panies that leave if they don't get

            ELITE                             ISSUE 16, FEBRUARY 2020                          PAGE 3
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